I went to the food class at the surgeons office on Nov. 22 and while there the lady, Lynn, mentioned that the doc usually takes people off all thier meds after surgery. Well, I am on some psych meds so after class I talked to her about it. She said that she will have to talk to the surgeon about it. He had told me when I went to see him that he wont do the surgery without the participation of my psych doc. Well, I talked to my psychiatrist and he will not get involved so I have a dilemma. They are gonna discuss my case and the surgeon will decide tomorrow if he will do the surgery on me. I called another surgeons office in Schenectady and they will need a letter that the psych doc will release me to have the surgery. But i will still have to see that surgeon and see if he will do the surgery. So I'm thinking about switching doctors. It is so frustrating.
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/05 10:33 pm - MT
on 11/28/05 10:33 pm - MT
I don't know why your surgeon will not do the surgery now as long as you have the letter
I guess some are so over cautious....Well I am glad you have another surgeon in mind so I wish you all the best.
Hang in there hun and your time will come when ready. ~Hugs~ Please keep us posted.... 
Debra P

hi Debra,
The surgeon that is seeing me now wants the psychiatrist to be involved but the psychiatrist is refusing to be involved. The other surgeon that I talked to wants a letter of release to have the surgery, but I just called the psychiatrists office and they wont even do that. I'm so frustrated.
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/05 10:45 pm - MT
on 11/28/05 10:45 pm - MT
Now that is weird they will not even do a letter for you? Why is that, do they feel this is not good for you? I know this is so frustrating hun, ask questions and stay on top of all these people, something will work out for you when the time is meant to. ~Hugs~
Debra P
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/05 11:26 pm - MT
on 11/28/05 11:26 pm - MT
Yeah that might be a thought as well hun, I know this stinks but there are reasons why this is happening so hang in there and believe this will work out all for the best ~Hugs~
Debra P
I did call the syracuse center and they don't take my insurance. I got a call from the center in Utica and they told me that they can't help me because of the fact that my psych doc won't be involved. Really he is asking for an impossibility because there is no psych doc that will get involved. Plus my doc don't have privilages in the hospital in Utica. See, they wanted my psych doc to come see me while I was in the hospital. I pretty much knew that they would call and tell me that they can't help. I did call a hospital in Saranac Lake. Their website says that they have their own mental health professionals as part of their team. So I hope they don't refuse me too. I go to an informational meeting on the 13th. It is about 3 hours away..... sigh... but if it works it will be worth it.
Hi Debra,
Yeah this whole psych thing is a bummer.
I didn't get clearance from the psych they sent me to because he wanted me to have counseling. I was upset. I know it can't hurt, but I am mentally ready and don't want this surgery delayed. But I didn't let it knock me down and carried on. I'm taking Cymbalta.
Fast forward...I *think* I got clearance. I was too scared to even ask, but I don't have to go back to him. He said he was sending a letter to my surgeon saying everything is on the "up and up"
I have the therapist and support groups in place and he seemed impressed. I too thought of switching Dr.s but I stuck it out. Maybe if he lets you use your own psych, you can try that?
Good luck!