I updated my profile with PICS !
Hi OB Family
I updated my profile, all the good the bad and the ugly......By the ugly I am not meaning me.... LOL
Anyways, I hope those who follow my updates enjoy it.
I have lost an amazing 250 lbs or so and I am still losing. I have gone from a size 32 last July to a Size 12...... I dont know if I everrr wore a size 12, I have always been a large person...... feels weird I can say that.
Anyways, Enjoy and thanks for peeking
Love To You All

Thanks soo much and I wish you the besttttttt as you begin your journey.
Please please please make sure u keep a updated journal. I know that many people take time to stop and read them and hopefully learn a little something from them.
Its an amazing journey I tell ya, and one I wish you the best on.
If you need anything, or have any questions please feel free to email me.
Again, Thanks
Take Care
Brenny !

Wow, what an amazing journey you have had! You look wonderful!!!
I was so touched by your journal and the part about William really touched my heart because I can totally relate to what you are feeling.
I hope someday destiny does bring him into your life again.
Hi Vi
Thanks soo much for taking time to check out my update.
I am wishing you luck along your journey as well, I peeked at your link and you have done a fantastic job .....Congrats to you !!
Ah destiny, we all have to believe in that huh ??!!?? and I tooo hope that it plays a hand in my future. time will tell I guess, but one thing through even the sadness, I have found out that I have a wonderful group of friends and family , that in a huge way pull me through the loss of him in my life, they dont take away the memories, but they do ease the hurt alot.
Thanks Again Vi and Good luck to YOU !!
Love 2 U

Thanks soo much for your words, they mean alot to me.....I have come such a long ways, but I know I still have a ways to go too. The road you travel on this journey can have some bumps and curves, but, I know the journey is going to get easier. I know in the end when, I will look back at this and see how much stronger of a person it makes me. actually, it makes ALL OF US. I know that the struggles and hurt are all part of making us all better people, stronger people.
Thanks again for taking time to read my update.
Have a Great Day
Love 2 U

Hey Brenny
All I can say is "WOW"
You look so good in those pictures,
I can remember when you were first starting your journey and all the questions and posts you made about WLS. You came through this like a trooper and have done such a great job, now you are looking into Plastic Surgery and let me tell you from someone that has had TWO of these Surgerys that "THEY ARE WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF PAIN ONE GOES THROUGH" I am so happy for going through with my plastic surgerys and would do it again in a second. They have not been a piece of CAKE (lol) BUT SO WORTH IT. They are painful but dont let that scare you from doing it because of how much better it makes you feel and also how GREAT IT WILL MAKE YOU LOOK. I go back and look at my before PS pictures and I am just shocked at how much different I look, its amazing what a little (or should I say alot) 22 pounds of skin removed can change the way we look. Reading your profile was like looking into a mirror of myself when you talked about getting up in the morning getting dressed and looking in the mirror, or walking by a store window and seeing myself, sometimes I have to just stop look and smile at the reflection in that glass to see if it smiles back because I cant believe its me. Anyway sorry for going on and on but you keep going forward as you look great and keep checking into the PS thing and if you want to see some before and after PS pictures I have of me (some are gross but I dont mind showing them if it will help someone) drop me a e-mail and most of all dont forget I told you that HARLEY RIDE is still yours when you are ready.

I am so glad you stumbled in this joint !! You, my friend, the first person who welcomed me here and even invited me on a Harley Ride !! THAT I AM GONNA TAKE U UP ON MISTER. I had the chance to ride on a bike this fall and I freakin LOVED it, it wasnt a harley, but, I cant even believe I did it. LOL Now I am ALMOST ready for a Harley Ride !!!
Yup My plastics are the next step of this journey, I know the pain is something I will feel both in my body and in my head, I have struggles with that, I need to know I am having the plastics for medical reasons and not personal reasons. I have many struggles with that, I feel that i am trying to make myself this "perfect 10" woman, when really I was damn near a perfect 10 woman back when I was 400 and something lbs......LOL Ok tat parts a joke....LOL But what I am saying about the plastics is, I dont know if I am having then to feel better or look better. after all I should be happy with the 250 lb loss and not worry about the skin. but then I think, well, I have come this far and this IS the next step....... Anyways sorry about the ramble !!! LOL There are still parts I need to work on there I guess. I doo know I dont want to lose tooo much more because if I do, I will be to thin and I dontwant to have to worry about that !!
Tony, Thank soo much for posting to me, you have always been someone from here whos dear to my heart. You always add a smile to my face, even on days I didnt think I had one there....... Please keep that up, honestly, I need that right now
So you have the snow moblie all ready to go, we have some snow here already !! I am sure there is TONS coming your way !! Hmmmmmmmm a Harley Ride or a Snowmoblie ride. Hmmmmmm let me rething this for a min.. can I have BOTH ??? 

Have a Great Day Tony, My Friend 

Hey Brenny
I am glad I could bring a smile to your face
as you do mine everytime we talk or should I say TYPE.
As for the PS I am sure you will make the right decision on that and no matter what that is we will all understand how you go about it, I am going to California next week to see my WLS Dr as well as the OH Convention in Costa Mesa since I am going to be sucking up the sunshine anyways
These kind of things are really a great thing since you get to meet so many people and we all have so mu*****ommon. I have been to one in California before plus the one in Las Vegas, NYC, Washington DC and also the one coming to Richmond VA come January. I would of never did anything like this before WLS but now I am all over the place (no funny comments here please like stuff in a horse barn)
As for the ride its yours anytime just say the word but it has to be the Harley because I sold the Snowmobile during the summer and bought a BOAT dont know why but I did. We do have SNOW here now and its cold in the teens so LA is going to feel GREAT COME WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. So if you need anything Brenny just say the word and if I can help in anyway I am here for you as well as anyone else that needs a hand held.