bingeing and purging...
I am having MAJOR eating issues right now. I am 11 months post op, was down 180 pounds but gained 7. Over the past few months I have found myself eating anything and everything from chocolate to chips to everything that is NOT fat free. Not to mention that I can eat a ton of it. NOTHING makes me sick NOTHING fills me up! WHAT TO DO?!?! I can't seem to stop this madness and I can't control it. If I try to eat a yogurt... it doesn't even begin to fill me up so I am eating yogurt plus soup plus chips plus whatever else. And then I find myself running to the bathroom to purposely puke it up!!
Please tell me that I am not the only one that has gone through this.
please please please, I didnt go through this just to become fat again. Any advice or am I just doomed to be fat for the rest of my life?!

Jalonda, please seek some help for this before you cause yourself harm. Binging and purging causes some really bad health issues. Many of us have eating issues rooted in EMOTIONAL rather than PHYSICAL areas. You need to find out what those are.
You are *not* doomed to be fat for the rest of your life, but you do need to take back control. Seek the help you need - and talk to us here whenever you feel the need
Good luck and God Bless
(deactivated member)
on 11/14/05 2:16 am - MT
on 11/14/05 2:16 am - MT
Hun I am sorry to hear you are going through this and I worry about this for myself as well. Please talk to professional about this as we all should because we had this surgery but they did nothing on our brains. I know for myself that there is a deep reason why I eat all the time and if I do not deal with this myself I can not get 100% well, I guess that would be the same for any of us here. Please talk to someone hun, that is not safe for you to be doing this. I am glad you posted this to the board because I am sure that has to help somehow. ~Hugs you~
Hun if you need to talk PLEASE email me and I will give you my numbers, unless you have them already then just call me. I wish you all the best....
Debra P

Have you seen your surgeon lately? Maybe you have a mechanical issue since you can eat so much now. I had a friend that developed a fistula and she can eat normally now because of it.
As far as your food choices, shame on you. Just because you can eat it, that doesn't mean you should. As far as eating yougurt and not feeling full, thats normal. You should try eating dense proteins like meat, low fat cheese, or fish. Soft foods will not fill you up and you will feel hungry quicker. Are you drinking plenty or water?
Binging and purging is serious and I hope you will address it with a professional (preferrable that specializes in eating disorders) and address what is going on with you. You were given a tool to use but you need to use it properly.
Calm down and get back on track. You can do it.
Jalonda, I'm having the same problem I just sit around and eat all day long and then feel so guilty, then I just sit back and want to cry and say to myself I came to far to turn around and go backwards. So what I'm doing is getting a lot of fruits and you know i find it best when DRINKING lots of WATER before eating for me it works then I get off my butt and start doing things around the house I find that it works better for me. I have not yet put my pictures on the site yet even though I have lost the weight but just can't seem to bring myself to looking at those dreaded pictures before I was weighing 450 +lbs now I've lost total of 180 pounds or more even though it is not my goal weight but yes it is hard but trust me I'm trying as hard as I can to keep the weight down and determined to get to my goal. Yes it is hard but you know keep saying to yourself and looking in the mirror and you say this is not why I had this surgery I had it to loose the weight and not gain and go backwards. So just remember to DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS BEFORE YOU EAT AND WAIT THAT 30 MINUTES AFTER AND THEN DRINK AGAIN, It works for me and it should work for you alot of times I thought that I stretched my pouch so dumb me tryed to eat more, and of course I WILL NOT TRY THAT AGAIN
So good luck and I wish you will. WE ALL HAVE HURDLES TO GET OVER.
Beverly ( [email protected])