leg cramps anyone?
Tavia V
on 11/11/05 11:51 pm - Long Island, NY
on 11/11/05 11:51 pm - Long Island, NY
Anyone else experiencing these? They are worse at night. I know they are a signs of electrolytes being messed up especially calcium, potassium, and magnesium. (and we all know why I have those problems.) I do the vitamins, the extra supplements and I'm working on the eating. I take so many vitamins and pills that I am too full to eat!
I have a very high tolerance for pain but, jesus mary and joseph, these are bad. It feels a lot worse than gallbladder spasms. You can see the muscle pulling up my legs and feet like it's about to rip off! Then my legs and feet are so sore afterwards I can't put any weight on it.
Anyway, have a nice weekend everyone. I am off to go see "chicken little" with my husband and son.

Tavia V
on 11/13/05 4:00 am - Long Island, NY
on 11/13/05 4:00 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Linda,
Thanks so much! I have a hard time eating a banana but I will try it probably mixed in a blender w/some milk.
Sorry about the hair. I know the feeling. Like I said when everything is said and done w/me I am going to be GI Jane. hee-hee.
YEPPERS! Pottasium will cause them as well as dehydration but im sure your sip sip siping plenty to drink.
SHOULD have it checked as lo potassium also makes us tired!
FEEL BETTER leg cramps suck!
I put 1/4 banana in a shake each week trying to keep my
pottssium levels good.
( my kids are seing chicken little tomorrow LOL)
Tavia V
on 11/13/05 4:08 am - Long Island, NY
on 11/13/05 4:08 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Lisa!
My electrolytes are always messed up in one way or another. All of Drs know this. My potassuim is usually low but I refuse to stay in the hospital with that drip in my arm, no way jose.
I just have such a hard time eating really solid foods, so its hard for me to get nutrients in, you know? I do the supplements and vitamins but there is so much of that the body will absorb if its not from a natural source. Ugh, so so frustrating!
Thank you though!

Just a thought for your leg cramps.....There is a Doctor who writes a Q&A section in our local paper. He says if you put a bar of soap under your bottom sheet it takes away leg cramps. No specific reason why it works but loads of people write in and tell him often that it does work. Some say Dial works the best......
Good luck

Tavia V
on 11/13/05 4:09 am - Long Island, NY
on 11/13/05 4:09 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Chris,
That is strange but interesting. At this point I will give anything a try, thanks so much!

Hi Tavia,
I'm sorry about your leg cramps. Maybe you could try drinking 'Smar****er' I buy it in Trader Joes ( its cheaper there). Its water that has electrolyes in it. Almost like a gatorade without the sugar. It doesn't have an after taste. I drink it because I don't drink all the water I'm supposed to (was never a big water person) and it has the electrolytes so hopefully i won't dehydrate. Feel better soon! ~ Laurie
Tavia V
on 11/13/05 3:59 am - Long Island, NY
on 11/13/05 3:59 am - Long Island, NY
Yes! A friend of mine mentioned this to me the other day and she could not remember the name of it. Thanks so much!!