Waiting for approval
Had my appointment with Dr. Cole yesterday. He mostly explained possible complications with my husband, my daughter and I. He also said that the next step is to write his letter to the insurance company and that it should only take a couple weeks for and approval decision. My husband and I discussed the best time for surgery and we decided that pending approval, that we will hopefully shoot for the beginning of the year. I will be extremely busy at the Spa during the holidays and he cannot take time off work during the holidays because others already have time off scheduled. So I guess I will have a New Years Resolution for weight loss. And this time it will work, LOL.
I also ordered the WLS for dummies book from Walmart.com and that should be arriving here within the next week.
I am trying also to collect a list of great recipes that we can use. I see that many others here are doing the same.
I truly enjoy all the information that everyone here has to offer. Thanks again, everyone.
Shannon Arnold