New Journey Needs New Friends
Hi All
My name is Coqui I am in The Bronx, and I have decided to have gastric bypass. Unfortunately Aetna is giving me a hard way 2 go, I was actually scheduled for surgery Sept 23rd 2005 . It was denied!
Anyway I am interested in meeting those who are about 2 embark on this gastric bypass journey(Tri-state area) so that we might hold one anothers hand, cry on each other shoulders, attend support groups 2gether or just trade war stories.
Please visit my blog page, drop a line in the guest book and leave me your email. I have a chatroom called "FAT CHAT" maybe we can get 2gether and chat sometimes. All R welcome
Looking 4ward 2 hearing from U
Best Wishes
Hi Coqui!!!
I am Andrea and I too live in the Boogie-Down Bronx!!!! I will hopefully be having my Gastric Bypass surgery in December or January...I had the lap-band put in about 2yrs ago, but it did not work for me, so I'm converting...I am sorry that Aetna is giving you a hard time-I had many hard times with Cigna when I did the lap-band...So, feel free to keep in touch with me-I'm in your area and also looking to chat with someone local going through the same procedure!!!