Island Group??
Does anyone else have Island Group Insurance??? Has anyone on this NY Board gotten approval for WLS through them? Right now, I'm only on my 5th month of the 18 months of required Dietician visits. Wondered if anyone else had to overcome this hurdle. It's so hard to go day by day, when I know that I can lose weight through dieting, but it only comes right back on again. I guess the ins. co. wants me to give up?
Fight them, don't let them steam roll you with this 18 months crap!!
They do it in their attempts to play pass the buck...
They hope that with in those 18 months you change insurance carriers and that you'll become someone elses problem later.
They must be nuts though...18 months??? that's a little insane
Keep fighting and hang in there!!!!!!
I'll be praying for you!
do not give up. i was denied 6 times. it took me 9 months to get approved. If you have the extra money. i strongly recommend Gary viscio
He is a wls lawyer. He only deals with this. his sucess rate is 99%
good luck and don't give up. this is what the insurance companies want us to do!
email me if you need any more info.