Anyone going to the Walk from Obesity walk in Riverside Park on Saturday.
I am planning on going (and bringing the pooches), but as a newbie, I don't know anyone-- except the office staff and Cornell
Let me know if anyone wants to meet up.
Hi- I didn't know anything about this- didn't see it on any boards -
When and how long is the walk? I'm surprised my Doctors office
didn't say anything about it!!
Newbie as well!!
Go to the main message board and look at the Walk from Obesity post at the top.
It starts at Riverside Park on 85 and is a two mile walk followed by a party at the boat basin. It's $25 donation to participate. My nutritionist suggested I get there around 9:30 since I am not registered yet.
I think I remember you from the support group in August (plastic surgey speaker).... Was that you? I was in the back being very uncomfortable (2 weeks post-op)