Hair Loss Help Needed
I know this is a terrible feeling,my hair is my pride and joy .When this happen I had to swollow my pride and had to be a big girl about it.I've being taken maxi-hair my doctor recommend it with vitamins.I'm going to try biotin shampoo and conditioner to see if it help some more with the thinning.It been 5 1/2 month so far and my hair has slowly stop fallen out .I hope this will help.

Tavia V
on 9/16/05 2:05 pm - Long Island, NY
on 9/16/05 2:05 pm - Long Island, NY
Most of the hair loss is your body goes into shock after a trauma(like a surgery) and stops making hair follicles. Just like how your period gets all messed up. I have had my period twice since my first operation. But your hair slowly starts to come back I have heard up to 18 months after your surgery.

Hiya Ilyssa,
When my hair started falling out I was kind of expecting it considering it has happened to so many people. What shocked me most was the AMOUNT that was falling out and for how long it went on. It started probably in February. When I went to see my surgeon in April he suggested 50 mg of Zinc. I started taking that and I could see results almost overnight, but the tabs I was taking irritated my pouch something fierce so I stopped. When I had my surgery back in November I took Zinc lozenges for 30 days which didnt irritate my pouch at all. I never did make it back to GNC to get those lozenges though so it continued to fall out. I would say between May and June the hair loss slowly started to slow down and I started seeing new growth coming back in - Just in time too, a cowlick (sp??) I have in the crown of my head was really spreading into a bald spot and I had to wear the front of my hair in a barette (not an unusual style for me anyway) to cover it!!! Now though, that spot isnt noticable at all.
God bless you and keep you,
Hi Ilyssa! Have you tried drinking Unjury or Profect, I was told that they should be helpful for preventing hair loss? I am having my surgery on October 12th and I have been doing a lot of research about everything that I need to know before I have my surgery. I hope this information is helpful to you and if you want you could give me some information about what to take or about the surgery.
HI, Like Andrea my hair started to fall out in February also. At first it was falling out in clumps. I started to take 1500 mgs of Biotin a day. Nothing really helped me. I've been waiting for the miracle cure myself. The hair loss has slowed a bit. But it is still falling out. My hair was thin before this to begin with but now it's really thin! Nothing I can do about it.. so I just deal with it. I keep telling everyone that I'm going to be a skinny, bald chick soon!
Good luck