back from 'blood dr'
Tavia V
on 9/1/05 9:29 am - Long Island, NY
on 9/1/05 9:29 am - Long Island, NY
Thank you so much for your kind words, Carol, really. I havent heard back about my blood results but hope this will end ASAP for my sons sake. My husband and I are pretty immune to this all now.
I am so not looking forward to having a fresh incision again, ew.
I have such a headache b/c of all of this and now 3/4 of my husbands family members are telling me to(...ick I cant even say it w/out feeling like the biggest traitor, so I will "spell" it...) s-u-e-.(Like they even know what they are talking about) I tell them it's my body, my life, my money, leave me alone. God I hate my in-laws...
