Hey ....... All you losers out there !
Hi everyone
I am trying to word this question so that it is understandable to all of you
cause my mind is just not working properly this early in the morning ........
at least not this morning anyways!
Okay, How do you know that your eating habits such as eating choc., cookies , cakes and higher fat foods will change after the surgery such as rny ?
I know I have a severe problem with eating sweets ! I know most every large person has some type of over indulgence but I am looking for something to deter me from that dreadful sweet tooth I have .
Could you all maybe share your thoughts and experiences with me about how your eating habits and cravings have changed since your wls surgery?
Congrats to each and every one of you for your successes !
Thanks and take care ,

Tavia V
on 8/30/05 12:29 am - Long Island, NY
on 8/30/05 12:29 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Carol!!!
I personally have no interest in eating junk food ever again. Mind you I was little Ms junk food before my WLS but I think after the huge ordeal I went through, the last thing I want to do is get sick b/c I ate a donut you know?
I have never had "dumping" before b/c I am very careful w/my diet but from what I heard it can be a living nightmare, you really feel like you are dying and can last up to 12 hours! It's nickname is the gastric bypass police b/c you feel so horrible after you eat something w/too much sugar/carbs in it that you vow to never do it again.

HI carol...
I had my RNY on 6/01/05.
I am down 82 lbs and very happy right now.
I will say since the surgery i have no craved my sweets in any way. I am also scared of dumping. It also crosses my mind what if im one of those that dont dump from the sweets. SO to keep me clean i wont cheat, yet at least, and just assume if i do im gonna get horribly ill from it.
I am sure as time goes on it wont be easy but right now im doign fine this way. I was a big sweet treat eater before i had my surgery....and now i havent touched the chocolate yet.
ITs all in the mind set!
I am motivated and so happy with my progress
wont cheat yet.
(deactivated member)
on 8/30/05 2:10 am - MT
on 8/30/05 2:10 am - MT
Hello hun ~Hugs~ That thought also crossed my mind because I was a BIG sweets and cake eater, ice cream also. My cuz said well you just do not want it after but I could not believe that but it is true, many reasons for not wanting them:
Keeping your weight loss going or keeping the weight off
No real craving for sweets, everything taste so sweet to me now
As Lisa said, I am taking one day at a time and having this surgery can not say for SURE you will not crave those things but I am taking it one day at a time. I have to admit that I have so wanted a nice piece of choc cake but I would be way to scared to try (dumping). That does not mean in the future I will not have a taste but for right now all is good. You can have a taste after a while but know you have to stop at that or else!!! I worry about that everyday since I had surgery but I am taking it one day at a time like any addict.
Well I hope that helped some... ~Hugs~
Take care
Debra P

I also wondered how I would manage after surgery with my sweet tooth. I found that I have not craved sweets since my surgery. It is almost 9 months now since I indulged my sweet tooth. I can honestly say that I don't miss them. I don't know if I dump - but I'm not anxious to find out.
My philosophy on eating sweets, as of today anyway, is that I've probably had enough prior to my surgery to last a lifetime.
Right now, I am taking the approach that I don't want to open the door and try anything sweet because I am afraid to reawaken the cravings. I'm not sure this is realistic for the rest of my life, but so far, so good.
You will find that the surgery gives you an amazing opportunity to change your habits. You really can't eat very much, especially in the beginning. Also, most people do not experience physical hunger for a while (head hunger is a whole other issue). The other big benefit of the early days after surgery, is that you need to focus on eating your protein. The focus on eating protein will also help with eliminating the desire to eat sweets because you just can't eat that much.
Believe it or not, I find that I crave things like salads and plums. The other day at the supermarket I saw great looking plums - I wasn't going to buy them, but I couldn't get them out of my mind. Before the surgery, it would be a chocolate bar or cake that I couldn't get out of my mind.
Good luck with your journey,

My biggest craving has been for strawberries - they are sweet, juicy and loaded with vitamin C. I wish I had not tried sweets because I know I can tolerate some - however, that is not to say that I will NOT get sugar dumping, and when it happens, OMG ya just want to die. The thing is to learn that one or two bites will cure the craving - you don't need enough to makeyourself sick.
First, let me preface this by saying--I am not a loser yet and NOT a medical professional...but I think that the sugar busters diet in part explains why post surgery people don't crave sweets. Because of the surgery there is a period of time after the surgery that the stomach is healing and people don't consume sugary products. They detox themselves as a natural part of the healing process and as with any drug while you might think about eating sweets as a part of an emotional addiction the physical addiction is controlled by simply not eating the trigger foods i.e. sweets (simple carbs). If a person lets themselves revert to the old habits the physical part of the addiction takes over and people begin to gain weight. Just my thoughts.
Hi Everyone,
I would like to thank Tavia, Lisa, Debra, Mary, Angel and Virgina for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me !
It really helps to hear that you all are not craving the sweets and fats that you were used to eating prior to your surgeries ! Knowing how well you have adjusted to your new way of eating really helps me to know I too can succeed with the surgery!
Thank you all for your support !
P.S...... I don't want even the word dumping in my vocabulary !
Take Care,