Hi Tameka
Also wanted to invite you to the post-surgery support group that I attend, it is open to the public (this is if you don't already have one to attend). I really enjoy going and I get a lift just talking with others who are all in the same boat.
It is scheduled for Wed, Sept 7, 2005 @ 5:30PM
New York Methodist Hospital
506 6th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11215
*All meetings will take place in the executive dining room (next to the cafeteria on the ground floor).
Hi Tameka,
I am six weeks post op and had a secondary infection in my wound site that just now healed over so I know first hand about the pain and depression you are experiencing right now. All I can say is that each day it gets better. I have now lost 40 lbs and am just now feeling normal again. What has worked for me is getting back to my job so that I don't have time to concentrate on everything going on with my body. If you don't work start a hobby or go for walks, anything to occupy yourself with anything but what your body is going through. Believe me Tameka, once the weight starts falling off and you start feeling energized it will all be worth it. God is with you and I will keep you in my prayers. You are not alone dear.
Lisa Bielawski

HI Everyone,
I just wanted to post and thank everyone from the bottom of heart for there encouragement. You will never know how much it meant to me. Your words got me thru some very tough days. YOU ARE ALL MY
Please forgive me for not writing sooner, it's weird; I could only bring myself to post and that was out of desperation. I couldn't for the longest time have a conversation about the surgery or how it was making me feel. Even now w/ some people I know it's still hard. But it's easier for me now.
I will be sending out personal messages to everyone *****sponded, and I hope to meet the locals for some NY fun.
I celebrated 1 month post-op on Sept. 9 -- I went for my check up.
I was finally put on pureed food; I had also lost another 5lbs. Which is just amazing
to me, because I was at the doctors just a week before. In total I have lost 69lbs. 24lbs before surgery and 45lbs. since surgery.
I am not as excited about the weight loss as I thought I would be which is weird. I still have bad days, but like you all said it gets better everyday.
My surgeon thinks I am
nuts. She says she's never had someone complain that their clothes are too loose. I told her that I was most looking forward to the couple of weeks maybe even months that my clothes would fit just right. Not TIGHT -- JUST RIGHT. They went straight to loose. My drain was also taken out.
(I begged) It hurt almost as much as when it went in. Out of everything the drain was by far the worst experience.
So I am doing well. Yesterday was my
24th birthday, I was happy to be alive. Can't remember a birthday were I was hopeful for the future. I know it will take time to get to know the new me. And while I didn't think it would -- it will take sometime getting to enjoy the weight loss. But I am enjoying the energy -- I can shower and wash dishes standing up now and I can walk blocks at a time w/o dying. So life is good.
Thank you so very much. My surgeon helped me save my body; your support helped me save my spirit. -- Tameka E.