Family, I'm Home!!!
Hello everyone!!
I'm finally home and feeling great! With the exception of some gas pain, I feel otherwise wonderful. I can't believe it's all over now and I am officially a member of the losing side.
I didn't expect to be at the hospital for a whole 5 days, but hey, no complaints...Everything was wonderful--the doc, the nurses, everyone was great. My doc found a hernia which he took care of too. So, now's the fun part...sip, sip, sip...and start losing! (I though I would have lost a couple of pounds at least, while at the hosp, but nothing
A special thanks to my angels, Joanne (who came to visit on Tuesday) and Mary. An of course, thank you all who send your love, thoughts and prayers.
I'm going to take a
nap...feeling a bit tired now...
Take care everyone,
God Bless!

Wow Dolly, I'm surprised he kept you so long. You looked so good Tuesday when I saw, I thought for sure you would have been home on Wed. or Thurs.
I'm glad you're home now. There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed and being at home. I know that Joe will take good care of you.
If you need anything, have any questions or just want to talk, you have my number. Call anytime.
Luv ya,
Hey I guess that now for sure that I know it will be just a matter of days for the weight to start melting off, I can say I see light at the end of the tunnel.
Joe and I went for a short ride so I could pick up some stuff at CVS and then sat outside in the backyard for a while...mmmm....Thank God for this beautiful day!
Have a wonderful weekend, Angel...It's gorgeous out!!

Hiya Lisa!
Thanks so much. Yes, definitely! I'll be keeping a low profile the next few days.
I'm sitting here in front of the puter with my heating pad (we just picked it up at CVS) on my back. The gas pain wraps around from underneath my breasts--my ribs cage to my back up around my kidneys--It feels like someone's just trying to rip my kidneys out with bear hands...
But I know, it'll get better...
How about you, hun? How' ya doin'?
Have a nice weekend!

I'll continue from the other post! "Hello Dolly, Well Hello Dolly. It's so nice to have you back where you belong! You're looking swell Dolly, we can tell Dolly, you're still growing, you're still glowing, you're still going strong!"
Now...take out the word "growing" and replace with SHRINKING! Welcome home....hope you feel better day by day!