11 months since surgery and...
Good Morning AMOS Family,
I know I have been away for a while. So how is everyone doing? I have been so depressed lately August 7th will be 11 months since my surgery. One more month to my One Year Anniversary and I still have 15lbs to lose. I am stuck at 173.5 lbs. My protein intake is out of control, I have slowed down in my exercise routine, I just don't know how to get back on track. I feel like a failure There are days I do great with my eating, but there are days that it's just terrible. Someone help me get back on track. Any suggestions. I am so at myself right now, I feel like crying.
Thanks for listening everyone.
Love Mery
258/173.5/?????at this point who knows, maybe I won't lose anymore.
Mery, first off, I want to send you many hugs and commend you on all the weight loss.
I know it sounds simple, but when I loss focus, which is often, I come here. I read and reread posts to gain mental strength. For me, the physical part is taken care of, my problem now is in my head. Food brought me comfort for so many years that the learning to cope without is the hardest thing I've endured so far. Coming to this board brings me back to center and helps me get through the rought patches.
Maybe what I'm saying is too simple and your issue may be more complex, but I make coming here part of every day for myself and it help keep me on track.
Keep up the fantastic work,
on 8/7/05 11:29 pm - Ronkonkoma, NY
on 8/7/05 11:29 pm - Ronkonkoma, NY
i know exactly how u feel! im a little over 12 months post op and this stubborn 15 pounds wont move! it seems no matter what i do i cant lose it. but i hear that varying your exercise routine or even something as simple as trying new healthy foods can jumpstart weightloss again. our bodies have gone through alot of changes so it may take a little longer for these last few pounds but hang in there! uve done a fabulous job so far and things will only get better!
take care,