Stress Test
I had a nuclear stress test done and it really wasn't bad at all. I was nervous before hand because I didn't really know what to expect. It takes a long time because you have to wait between the various portions of the test. The way it worked for me is that they had me lie down on a table and then take pictures of my heart. I had to walk on the threadmill (hooked up with an IV and ECG). After the threadmill, it was back on the table for more pictures. I forget exactly where in the process the waiting takes place.
If I had to do it again, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Best of luck to you.
I really had no problem with the NUCLEAR stress test....however, it was my results that PISSED me off......
I had some shading that they were uncertain about and to give me the clearance for my WLS, I had to go have an angiogram to confirm weather or not it was a blockage. WHAT i have learned since is that us "LARGER" ladies get some shadowing from our big boobs giving a false reading. I was so worried after that i needed bypass heart surgery and wouldnt get my weight loss surgery .
WELL the angiogram was negative it was just my boob makeing the false
reading. And now i can happily say i had my WLS surgery too! RELAX and im sure all will be fine