
on 7/27/05 12:38 pm - Rome, NY
Is it normal to get hungry? I had surgery on Friday, July 22. I get hungry and when I eat, the hunger passes. But I was of the impression that you didn't get hungry! I do have to say that I can't wait for some real food. Back pain is slightly better - I have been using the heating pad. Thanks everyone, Debbie M
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/05 9:59 pm - MT
Debbie, The baraitric nurse at my hospital said that sometimes hunger will show when you are thursty, weird I know but she said some times it happens like that. I would increase your water intake and see how it goes. I am 7 weeks post-op and at times I do get hungry but it is not like before, also around that time of the month I feel like I can eat a horse. Well try the water and let me know if that helps....~Hugs~ I am glad that your back is feeling better hun. Debra P 285/240.5/125??
on 7/28/05 8:08 am - Rome, NY
7 weeks out! That means you eat REAL foods - I do look forward to that. Last night I had a couple of bites of yogurt because I felt ..... "empty" is a better word than hungry. And that helped. And I will start drinking more. Thanks so much - Debbie M
on 7/27/05 10:19 pm - Buffalo, NY
Head hunger is a beast that threatens your success. When you *think* you are hungry and it ain't time for food, DRINK. And you CAN wait for some real food - talk to the gal in the mirror, sweetie. You will be just fine, just recognize that it is gonna be six months at least before you are *really* having hunger. Good luck!
on 7/28/05 2:33 am - Ridge, NY
I will add that i do and have experienced "REAL" hunger since my surgery. ITS not head hunger....!!! I am looseing wonderfully so i dont worry about it. I do find i have to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. SOMETIMES the snack is just a glass of carbcountdown milk to get some protein in but i need the snacks or I get hungery. I think we are all different and some of us really have a hunger! MY key is a eat like a lady now not a hungry hippo, i eat less and get full so thats what matters most right now. LISA
on 7/28/05 8:06 am - Rome, NY
Ok - thanks so much - Debbie M
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