HELP!!!! I really need some advice
Take a deep breath
you are totally normal in being so scared. I was crying so hard in the hall before surgery I thought I would dehydrate
At 7 months out I am down 116 pounds and have not felt this good in my life. People ask me if I would do it again and I always answer "tomorrow if I had to" Everyone is different with pain tolerance. I am pretty good with pain and only used pain meds the day of surgery. I never filled the prescription when I got home. Tylenol worked for minor aches. Having the drain out is not painful - just a really wierd feeling. Have you ever been riding n a car and gone over a hill and your stomach felt funny? Well, that's pretty much what it feels like and it only lasts a second. My Dr. talked to me the whole time he was checking me and did it so quick I barely knew what he was doing. I was off work for 5 weeks because I had the time coming but I could have gone back in 3. I had open RNY - that makes a difference too.
Don't be afraid to ask questions, the only dumb question is the one not asked. I will keep you in my prayers and let us know how you do.
Take Care,

Lisa, it is painful, but your doctor and nurses are there to help you with that. They want you to be pain-free as much as you do! I don't think it hurt as much as being in labor without any drugs did. And on day 5, I barely knew I had had the surgery.
If you are in pain afterward, do NOT hesitate to ask for pain meds!! I needed one or two shots for "breakthrough" pain and it did the trick. Don't forget, you'll have your "happy button" in your hand and use it as often as you need to.
The new pain drugs they have nowadays are really wonderful.
You'll do great, dear!
Becky Jean

(deactivated member)
on 7/17/05 10:38 pm - MT
on 7/17/05 10:38 pm - MT
Hun I was a wreck worrying about all of this as well but you know something, it was not easy but the waiting and worrying was the worse part. The pain was not all that bad but the gas is what got me, I had the lap RNY and it seems that there is so much gas at the beginning. Just make sure you have your Gas-X and you would be good. Also the hospital will make sure you are as pain free as you can be. ~Hugs~
I was so nervous over the drains and it was nothing, it was a pain to have to worry about them for the next week but after they are putted it was so much better. It was not as bad as I thought when they got pulled either, just felt weird. Having to take deep breaths after it was pulled really helped. You will do great hun, hang in there and ask away. That is why we are all here.... ~Hugs you~
I wish you the very best hun and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers....
Debra P

Lisa, I had lap RNY on 6/24/05 and it really wasnt that bad and I have a very low tolerance for pain. I was up and walking around the day of my surgery, it was a little painful to get out of bed for the first 2 dys but after that it wasnt bad at all. My doctor took my drain out before i came home and it just felt kinda funny but didnt hurt at all cuz he talked to me and hadme take afew deep breaths. The staples didnt really bother me until the day before I had them taken out, once that was done what a HUGE relief!!!! I went walking ll over the town that day (one week out) and didnt even feel like I even had surgery done. I never filled my script for pain meds either but everyone is different so just do what makes you feel comfortable and trust in God that everything will be alright. Good luck and cant wait to see ya on the losing side!!!
Hi Lisa:
I really understand how you're feeling because I was really petrified and I had to go to the hospital alone. But it was something that I needed to do for myself and I suppose that you do too. I prayed a lot and tried to think of all of the positive things that this surgery would provide, which by the way I'm already experiencing and I'm not quite 3 months out. These are the things that have improved:
My blood pressure
My diabetes
My kidney function.
I am in control of my eating and my clothes are falling off of me. Oh, and by the way, I've lost 45 lbs.
As for the pain, if you have good nurses and they are on the ball, you may just be a bit uncomfortable for a little while. I didn't have or know of any drain so I can't tell you about that, but you know what? This too will pass and soon you'll be home walking a little and eating and little and after that, you'll be okay.
Just keep the positive thoughts in your head.
Take care and please let us know how you're doing.
All the best, and we'll see you on the "losing side."