Pschy Evaluation Completed

Zulema R.
on 7/12/05 12:19 pm - bronx, NY
Hi everybody. Today I went to see a psychiatrist and he was marvelous. He had patient before for the evaluation and he says they look marvelous. In five minutes he tells me, do me a favor, good luck and go to the receptionist for the letter. Next stop is to see surgeon on thursday, hope i get a date. Hes a different surgeon, just checking other option, my first choice i have an app on july 19, till then.
(deactivated member)
on 7/12/05 10:05 pm - MT
Zulema, Hello hun...~hugs~ One more step closer... Well I hope you get your date soon.. It is good to check all your options before hand, good luck in what ever you do...~Hugs~ Debra P
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