Mixed Emotions
Hi there everyone.
I just got back from my PCP. He said I am definitely a candidate for WLS. We talked about risks, about situations and about the fact that for some this is in fact a last resort. He fell a step short of saying yes and talked about a few last options that we should look into. He wants to start me on Dexedrine and thinks that along with a "diet" program, something like South Beach which I was semi-successful on last year at this time, we may be able to avoid risky surgery.
He said that since the approval process and prerequisites take "a lot of time" why not explore other options. This way if I am successful with the pills then perhaps I can stay on them and lose weight without going under the knife. I was a bit disappointed and he could tell so he asked if that was okay with me. I said that honestly I had really gotten to the point where I had relinquished myself to this eventuality and I would really appreciate it if he would still submit the paperwork to insurance so I could see if I would be approved, and if I wasn't what I needed to do to get there.
He was amenable to this suggestion. Sooooooooooo, now I am having mixed emotions. I wanted him to say yes, let's get you started. He wasn't negative about the surgery, not at all. He just thinks he may be able to pull one more rabbit out of his hat. I agreed to do what he suggested as long as I know he is also doing the approval process through insurance. He did a body fat calculation and decided that I am approximately 71% body fat.
I was also up 6 pounds from the last time I weighed in with him which was about 4 months ago and mid current weigh****chers program.
Soooo, why the long post???? Well I wanted to know if anyone had encountered this type of dilemma before, and what you did about it.
Thanks for listening.

Try not to be disappointed. It sounds to me like he is going to send in for approval but wants you to try one last thing. I think it is not getting off the weight that is so hard as it is to keep it off. When do you go back to see him? Perhaps then you can just say to him look I have tried and It never stays off. Ultimately this is your decision not his. So ask him to give you a referral for the surgeon. Good Luck and keep us posted.

I wouldn't take that drug if I were you. It is an amphetamines and according to a google search I did on it, it is used for ADHD. Are you sure that's the name of the drug?
I hate to be negative, but we all know that diet pills don't really work and *****ally knows what all the side effects are? Maybe you should consider telling the doctor that you don't want to substitute one addiction (food) for another (drugs).
It's your life and this is your decision.
I think you did great you were not disuaded when your doc who does not live in your skin said maybe. I think you did the right thing. You listened to your doctor and followed his advise. You also know what type of dieter you are and how well they've worked for you. You decided what was best for you while considering what the doc said. Good job.
Hey Angel Girl
I know you are feeling confused and uncertain and disappointed that your PCP didn't jump on the band wagon for WLS, and I have to admit I would feel that way too if my PCP hadn't supported me fully, too. But the first thing I want you to do is to please stop taking drugs for conditions that you DON'T have! I know that he has given you numerous drugs with the side effect of weight loss, but that is NOT a reason for taking them! And think about it -- has it worked yet? Nope, so why keep taking them???? Honestly, I don't even think it is ethical for him to do that and to take such a chance with your health. There are damn few "diet" drugs out there and I know that one isn't on the list -- so please, sweetie, don't take it. Please.
You might want to think about getting a new doctor -- this one obviously doesn't have your best interests at heart. And I don't mean shopping around for one who will say "yes" to your request for WLS (that would be nice, but it shouldn't be the deciding factor), but one who will help you with your journey to lose weight without placing you in anymore danger than the extra weight is already causing.
Finally... Donna, sweetie, follow your heart when it comes to WLS. It is a major operation and a huge change in how you will live the rest of your life. If you are convinced that this is the path you need to follow to get healthy, then begin the process and look forward to the day when you can throw away your plus-sized clothes and run, jump, and "play" with that sweet boyfriend of yours.
You take care, hon. I'll prolly be online later tonite if you want to chat.
Lisa Z
14 days and counting

Hello again,
I go back to him in 3-4 weeks. I have decided to once again start "dieting" in an effort to lose the prequisite 5% of my weight that MVP requires. In addition I am going to make my appointment for the psych. consult which is another MVP prerequisite. While he didn't give me a referral to a surgeon he is going to submit to the insurance company for my approval. I am heading in the direction of the WLS, doing all I need to do, and I believe if I tell him strongly enough I will be able to convince him that for me this is the ONLY way to go. Thank you for the post
I agree with you about the drug. I cannot say I am 100% confident this is the way to go. He has given me drugs in the past, none of which have worked for more than a few weeks. Dexedrine is for ADHD and also for narcolepsy. Based upon information that I gave him about falling asleep at all kinds of different times he determined I have narcolepsy. I'm not so sure I do, I just think I'm fat and get tired.
When push came to shove when I was faced with his reluctance I backed down to a degree. I didn't want to appear as if major surgery was my ONLY option. Perhaps I felt weak?
In either case, as I told Chris, I am going to go on the "diet" with the goal of getting that 5% off, and bypass the pills. I have lost the same 20 lbs at least 100 times, what's one more. Thank you too for your post, I appreciate the research done.
Thank you for the compliment. I feel like I did much better at it after reading your post!!
And my friend Lisa,
I know you and I have spoken about the drugs. I know that he has given me strange drugs in the past with side-effects of weight loss, but I reach for that brass ring every time. I think if some street peddler came and told me to drink a strange liquid 4 times a day to lose weight I might just do that. I hate this obesity, it makes me a desperate person at times.
I like my doctor, I truly do. But I'm not sure I want to be his guinea pig. I know his intentions are good and he wants to see me without this weight, but I guess in the end I should go with my gut and realize that perhaps he doesn't have my best interests at heart. I will do the "dieting" to lose the 5%, but I will stay away from the pills, I promise. I'm scared of them anyhow. There are a lot more side effects than just weight loss. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, cold sweats...gosh, I would feel like I had already had the surgery!!!!
I will hopefully be on later. Promised my son we'd play poker. How DO you play poker??
hugs from your
p.s. I promise to be far stronger when it comes to being your angel!!!!

My adult son is on dexedrine for ADD and it really curbs his appetite. The only problem is he has to end his dose late afternoon to be able to sleep at night because it is a stimulant and then he eventually gets so hungry that he literally "attacks" food (mostly carbs) late at night creating an eating problem for him. How does your doctor expect this to help you with your weight and still get you to sleep at night? All I can tell you is from our experience. Hope this info helped.
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/05 10:38 pm - MT
on 7/6/05 10:38 pm - MT
Hun I can not tell you what to do and you have to make that choice yourself but I can offer some experiance. My PCP said he would approve me for WLS from the start, I do not think he really liked the idea but knew I has done my homework and I was ready! I had to see him for 6 months for the Ins Comp's 6 month weight loss program before they would even take a look at me for approval so my PCP wanted me to go on some meds, I took them home and read up on them. I said no way because of all the side effects and I told him that when I went back the following month, he was not pleased but it is my body!
Now as for a surgeon, you should really let your surgeon submit paperwork for WLS because they know(most times) what is required from your Ins Comp or else you might have to go through it all over again?
I am not sure there but I would just ask for a referal to a surgeon to get yourself a consult for information.
Hun I hoped that helped some and I wish you the very best....~hugs~ Good luck and keep us posted...
Debra P