I was just happy to see my PIC is now next to my name whew who .....Well I dont really post much but I wanted to let you guys know where I am at .....I go to the Nutritionist this Friday at 4 ...I have to lose 30 pounds to be able to have this surgery and I was thinking about finding a new surgeon that doesnt make that requirement, but I also want to try and do it to see if I can lose the 30 on my own ....The BIG problem with that is im on Insulin and the insulin is blocking me from losing and my endocrinologist put me on this Pill to get me off the insulin but this little pill keeps lowering my sugar so low that I have to keep eating all day to make sure I dont pass out so Im kind of frustrated cause In order to lose weight I need to slow down eating and this pill is preventing that from happening ...Im scared to go to the Gym on my lunch hour cause of the effects that this medication has on me its pretty scary ..I hope the nutritionist has some better advice for me...I want to get this ball rolling .. .Ok Im done rambling

Dear Stacy,
I certainly understand your frustration. Diabetes is serious and sometimes difficult disease to control. Make sure the nutritionist you see is a Certified Diabetes Educator (you should see CDE in his/her credentials). This certification means they have the knowledge to help diabetics. It sounds like your diabetes medication might need some adjusting. As you adjust your eating, you will need to adjust your meds (I'm sure already know this).
My diabetes educator (prior to surgery) recommended that I eat 3 meals a day limiting my carb intake to 30 gr. per meal. This meant having protein and veggies as my main stay, much like post-op eating (except the carbs are lower). Perhaps once you get your eating situated your diabetes medication can be lowered.
Make sure you call your endo and talk to him about the blood sugar lowering effects of this pill you are on. He needs to be aware of this.
By the way, most doctors require you to lose some weight prior to surgery to help shrink the liver. It helps them be able to the procedure laparoscopic and also helps your recovery. By losing some weight you are also showing your effort to follow the program.
Hope this information is helpful. Good luck. Debra