Monday morning rollcall
Hello! Thanks for the congrats.
Glad you checked in. So very happy to hear you are doing well. I have heard that sometimes the protein drinks are hard to tolerate. I hope that feeling passes quickly and you feel better.
You have a good day also. Try to keep cool!!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Tara
No, the "pencil" marks are not yet set in stone. Of course, they won't be set in stone for me until I am actually on my way to the OR!!! I have already had two dates set in stone and still haven't made it to the OR.
I am certainly waiting for the sweet sound..... APPROVED!!! I just don't want to get too excited until it is actually happening. After all, I even had my pre-op tests done in March and surgery was cancelled 3 days before my scheduled date.
Your picture looks great! You are doing well. Have a great day!!! Try to keep cool.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.