My 1st Weigh In - At Home
Hi All
Well, if interested in knowing what happened to me post op...just click to my's pretty interesting....
Oh, and by the "weigh" lol....I went to Target yesterday and bought a scale....I have lost 20 pounds....holy mack.....1 week and 1 day post op!!
Thanks to all of you who prayed for me....and to those who are coming close, I will do the same
Loser you say, why yes, I am!!!
Hooray! Congrats on your weightloss. You are doing great. Sorry to hear you had a few complications, but it sounds like you rode them out like a trooper. I'm glad you are on the mend. Take it easy, allow your body to heal, and keep up the good work. I'll be joining you on the losers bench (I hope this time) on the 28th . God bless. Debra