I'm Free..YEAH
That's great Debra!! I'm happy for you on the weight loss and getting the drains out. I do agree it was the weirdest sensation when she pulled it out. Funny I was at Garber's office today too. We have to compare our appts for next month. Maybe we can see each other there. I was in the waiting room for over an hour!
Take care hon!

Hey Debra,
I am glad to hear that all is coming along well with you. So glad to hear that you are feeling great and trust me more weight is about to come off and you will be happy ever more than what you are now. So you enjoy it while you can girl and thank God for WLS. Keep working that tool girl you bad DIVA. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
Much Love
Hi Debra....
Congratulations on your weight loss. That is really exciting to hear. I am so happy for you..........One thing I read in your post has me confused. Drains? I didn't know we come home with drains........Also, how long do you need to have these drains on? My date should be getting set in the very near guture and although I am leaning towards the bypass, I am getting real scared about the after math.......Maybe I'm just getting cold feet. All I know is that I want to be around for my Lil' Man...