Sad Sack
Hi Debra.......
First I'd like to take a moment to Congratulate you for braving through this and getting through surgery. You Go Girl !!!! As for the mourning food thing, I must tell you, that is one of my concerns as well. You see, I am the family cook. Anyone having a party, their first phonecall is to me, so I can cook. As luck would have it, I happen to be one of the best cooks in the family. The reason for that is I love it so much. I am always looking for ways to improve my last dish, or make something that will top the last one. Anyway, my love for food has gotten me where I am today. Now I'm scared that I won't be able to get through cooking like I used to because I'm scared of giving in to food. I just felt I had to drop in and tell you, that you are definately not alone on this one. I worry about this day in and day out.........I guess just keep your head up and wait patiently for better days.....
Take care and God Bless.....
Hey Debra
I know I am a little late in responding but I had to write because you are so supportive to us here on the board and you have to give us a chance to give back to you. We are all human and from my own experience the first two weeks were the worst. The head hunger was terrible, but it does pass. It still twangs every once in a while heck after 34 years of abusing food we can't expect change overnight, but now I exercise or sleep. I was never a shopper and may never be. ANyways, my thoughts are with you, it will pass. Sleep, that is what I did in the beginning. Good Luck, Tina
Hi debra,
A long time ago I did Optifast and didn't eat anything for 3 months, f course i lost weight, in fact I lost 65 pounds. I only drank the shakes the doctor gave me. The next 3 months we were introduced to food and of course I gained 80 pounds!!! lol Yea, i guess I cn lol about it now...I am waiting 4 my surgery date, hopefull in July, but when I was on the 3 mths of no eating I realized I only missed the socializing part of it. So I would still go out to Pizza hut with my family and sit and just have black coffee. Ya know it didn't really bother me but one thing i did find out was that I wanted everyone with me to eat a lot and enjoy. I used to make fancy breads and dinners and not even lick a finger! You can do it too...just tell yourself u can do it and you won't let it bother u and ya know what???...It won't Love ya...Denise