Hi everyone,
I could use some advice! I have to take off 30lbs by July6th or my Doc WON"T do the surgery . I've been having a hard time of it so far and I'm willing TO TRY ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING!!!
Please any advice would be greatly appreciated and I'm especially interested methods you've tried yourself. Thanks in advance. -- L.E.
If it were me, I would eat high protien (Chicken, Fish) and a salad or veggies. No Potato, Rice or Bread. A fruit for a snack. Eat small meals every 2-3 hours. This keeps your metabolism going all day and you will not feel hungry.
I see that you live in Brooklyn, If you take the Subway, Walk to the next subway stop rather then getting on at the closest one. Thats what I have been doing to get in some extra walking. You would be suprised. The distance between my stops is half a mile so I walk an extra mile a day. Every little bit helps get your metabolism going!
Try to remember how important this surgery is to you and it will be easier not to cheat. I did not have to lose weight before my surgery (2 months post op) but I would have due to all the benefits post op!
Hope this helps! Keep me posted!