Sooooo, what did You do all weekend ??!!??
Brenny don't you believe her she doesn't know how to do nothing maybe she didn't do anything in her house but she still helped someone unpack cause they moved she bbq at her complex, and I'm sure she did all the cooking, and the work for that.....and let me not say how taking someone else kids to the movies can be a hand full
So don't believe her when she says she did nothing.....she doesn't know how..
But Brenny really that is nothing, nada, zilch....... to me honest it is Sleep till 12pm yeah ok after my first child I never slept past 6am r u kidding me. I wish I could sleep till twelve hell I'll take 6:30 to me that's like sleeping till 12
Have a great day babes!
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} Evelyn
247/130/-117 Past goal and feeling GREAT!!!!!!!
OH SHUT UP CHRISTINE I did nothing nada zilch!!!!!!! So there! SO what I helped Dorothy that was nothing and i cooked that was nothing too so there!!!!!!!
To me that is nothing and you know that! So there in you face
I love ya Christine!!!!!!! {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} Evelyn
247/130/-117 Past goal and feeling GREAT!!!!!!!
Hi Brenny!!
Stopped in to say hello.... glad you had a great weekend like alot of us did.... I see you went flower crazy I planted daisies a few weeks ago and still nothing... I'm wondering if I did something wrong... not even a stub yet... I am so not into planting... not a big fan... I do love daisies though.... This is our first spring in our house... before that we lived in an apartment building in queens and no room for planting... I did enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend though... took the baby to the park and bought her a pool...should be fun trying to put that up! Hope you have a great day!
I did go overboard with the flowers.....LOL BUTT.......I always have wanted to do and never seemed to , sooo this year is a year of change, so I did it......Now, I do not have a clue if they will grow or not...or live or not.....time will tell......LOL I am hoping they will since its really not a cheap hobbie.....LOL Ahhh well........keeps me outside and moving !!!
A pool for the babie.....thats cute and will come in handy with the hot weather coming ahead !! Soon she will be a female Michael Phelps !! LOL Teach um young about those daisys !! I only plant ones that are already started....If I planted seeds I would be out there everyday with a sad face wondering where the heck they are and WHYYYY are they not coming up from the ground......LOL I have noooo patience !!.......LOL
Have a Great Day Gia !
Well, this was my first BBQ where I couldn't eat everything in sight!!!!
Actually, my other half and I did most of the cooking (as usual) for a BBQ in the park with some friends and it was pretty nice overall. I just still scratch my head over being the one who eats the least but still cooks the most.
It turned out strictly by accident that this was a low carb, high protein BBQ. We brought meat - ribs, burgers, franks - and everyone else was to supply the other "usuals". I turned out that there was a little salad made and someone brought some fruit.
I was able to eat a grilled frank - which tasted so good to me. I also ate a sparerib or two throughout the day and that was it. I was all over the place though. Going for walks thru the park, moving furniture and supplies around, just MOVING in general!!!
This time last year, I still would have been the one doing most of the cooking but I would haven't been able to do much else, would have been exhausted from that, and would have eaten about 4 times as much (easily)!
Hey Brenny
ROLLERBLADING, WOW I can't even fathom the thought again, I use to be the roller skating queen but those days have been long gone for a while, maybe they will be back in my future. Who knows. Wow everyone did a lot of gardening, I could never get into that. We were very busy keeping the kids busy and putting up the pool can't wait for summer!!!!
Take Care, Tina