I hate my Cardiologist Part 2
Hello, My saga continues. I received a call from my Cardiologist yesterday informing me because my last 2 Nuclear Strees tests came back Inconclusive because of my weight and family history of heart disease he sent a letter to my Surgeon stating he recommends that he not do Surgery on me until I have an Angiogram confirming if I have any Blockage. I give up! I cant take anymore.I cant believe this Cardiologist sent that letter. I called my Surgeon and he said he now can not do anything on me until I receive an Angiogram. I tried to call my Cardiologist yesterday to tell him what I think of him but he wouldnt take my calls. He knows I am a little headstrong when angry. I am so depressed right now. IM like why bother with my other Appts. This stinks. Im more mad that he sent the report to my Surgeon without talking to me first. I am trying like hell to get these Appts done and I seem to hiy onstacle after obstacle. I dont know if I have the strength to keep this aggravation up.

(deactivated member)
on 5/23/05 10:08 pm - MT
on 5/23/05 10:08 pm - MT
Hun I am so sorry that you are so upset about all of this, I can understand why you are upset with him not talking to you first before sending the letter.....
Please do not give up if this is what you really want.....hang in there and fight!!! Take some time and get yourself together and really think about all of this...~Hugs you~ I know it is frustrating!! Maybe try a 2nd opinion and see what a new Cardiologist will say and if they think you need that test then please do it, they just want to make sure your going to be ok, we all have enough working against us that we do not need something that might have been corrected prior, does that make sense hun?....
Please always feel free to just vent here, that is why we are here and we all have used this board at one time or another....some more then others....
(talking about myself)!
Take care and the best of luck....
Debra P

I'm sorry for what you're going through right now. I know every little thing feels like it's going to set you back 10 steps. But think about it? This is your heart!! You definately do not want to go into a surgery of this extend with any type of blockage. I say you call the cardiologist & set up for the angiogram. Get the test done as soon as possible, get your results, and get back on track with your journey. I would definately let him know about your feelings of not talking to you first. However, you know that would have not stopped him from sendiing the letter to your surgeon. My advice is to go about it with a positive attitude and know that, in the long run, you'll be happy you had the test done. Also know that at least your cardiologist has your best interest in mind and wants to make sure that your heart is healthy enough to endure what it has ahead. If you stay negative about the whole situation, it will just seem like the time goes by slower. Keep your chin up & know we're all here for you.
Hi Sweetie
I'm sorry for what you are going through, but you have to hang in there....it is better to be safe then sorry....it doesn't mean you will not be having WlS it just means you have to take anothing test (angiogram) to make sure you are healthy enough to have this surgery, we rally woundn't want anything to happen to you durning surgery that could have been prevented....so suck it up and get the angiogram.....it's all part of the journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle...
My thoughts and prayers are with you in your stressed out time... Hang in there it will happen (everything in it's right time)


I am sorry your feeling down right now, I can understand your feeling upset or depressed over this whole thing. Please remember that the reason they do they test is to help YOU . as hard as it is to wait and follow all the Dr. appoitnments ect ect ect, they also dont want to have you die on the table during your WLS.
The tests they do pryor to your big day, is to only help you, even if it feels as though its stopping you. I understand your grief and frustration, really I do, it took me 2 years to get to the start of my journey.
I wish you luck and if its one thing I can say to you, its dont give it.........its worth the long haul, hang in there.
Wishing You All My Best

My cardiologist was my biggest stumbling block. So I asked my SURGEON to recommend someone who he knew that has worked with bariatric patients. He did and I switched.Got my surgery scheduled almost immediately after seeing new dr.
SWITCH if you are not happy. My past cardiologist just didn't believe in this surgery unless you were 300 lbs overweight. He was jaded and did all he could to convince me not to have the surgery.
New guy is super and I am happy I switched. If you read my profile you will see how I struggled with this man.
Good luck
Thank you all for the support. I just received a call back from him and I told him how I felt about him calling my Surgeon.He apologized for not speaking to me first and he will have his office call me back today to schedule a date for an Angiogram. He promised to get me in right after Memorial Day.