Warning...TMI post, may be ca-ca.
I did an awful lot today. I dyed my hair, I went shopping, walked around for about 3 hours. This all 12 days out. I may have overdone it, because...........read below.
The staples came out yesterday also. I have mentioned here that I have this buildup of fluid that causes me pain, its a senoma. Well, on the way home, I noticed my pants were wet. My first thought was that I got my period. But they were awfully wet...like I wet myself. I didn't. The fluid buildup leaked out of my incision now that the staples were not there.
This ever happen to anyone else? Anyone else have leaking from the incision afterwards? It was a reddish fluid. I have gauze over my incision now to absorb the rest...it's still leaking. It does not hurt, its just extremely nasty. I could hardly handle it, and I have a very strong stomach.
Sorry to gross anyone out..I just don't have anyone else to ask since it is Saturday and my surgeon's office is closed. Since it does not cause me pain, I do not think it's an emergency.
The good part? I have less pain in the area that the fluid was built up in.
Update: I just changed my bandage and it was SOAKED. There was yellow discharge and some bloody fluid. It was very gross and it smells. I called my surgeon...waiting to get a call back.
I think I have an infection, or else the fluid buildup was infected. Its just nasty. But it does not hurt and the pain that was there when the buildup was there is gone.
Oh man, I just do not want to go back into the hospital. I have hardly seen my family/my son since the surgery as it is, due to me resting.
...the surgeons' tech just called me, at least it is someone who knows what's up with me/who I am. She is calling my surgeon right now, and I may have to go back in.
Hi Haley,
You did the right thing calling your surgeon. Take the medication as he prescribed. Be aware, Keflex smells, but works great. Try not to worry about it too much if your surgeon isn't worried. Keep putting dry dressings on it, and let it drain. It probably needed to do that. Keep us posted.