hi all
hello im sorry i havent been on in a while but ive been very sick with a lung infection and ended up in the er and oh it was horrible and now because i couldnt breath and was taken out of work for almost a week i was fired and there isnt nothing i can do .... so now i cant have my surgery even though i was appoved im soooo upset but with out my pay we cant make it and i cant get unemployment because i was fired so now i cant afford it ....... my hubby works but dont make enough money to pay bills and buy foooood this sucks i wanted this surgery so i could take care of my family and be healthier so i could get a better job but .... so if anyone has any ideas please feel free to email me with any and all advise thanks for listening to me vent and cry my hubby was also crying when he told me he was sorry we couldnt afford me not to work cause with getting fired i cant even get disability thanks lisa
Oh Lisa.....((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) I'm soooo sorry to hear this....Are you o.k??? I mean physically??? Are you breathing o.k? Thats awful...
So sorry to hear you can't have your surgery, but why were you fired?? Your job can not fire you if you have a legal excuse for being out of work!! That is not right....I would call the Labor Dept. on that and see what they say....Its not like you didn't go to work because you had better things to do, geeesh....
As far as making ends meet believe me you can do it...I have been out of work 3 seperate occasions with no money coming in and we did it. You just have to call your bill comps. and explain the situation and they are normally o.k. I was out for 6 weeks for both my c-sections with no money coming in and the last one was at x-mas time...boy was THAT hard. I cried for weeks wondering how we would pay bills, eat and have some sort of a x-mas. BUT on a positive note, we made it through...and so will you. Keep the faith and keep positive....
So it may take a little longer than planned for your surgery....thats alright. Your time will come. I know how hard things are....I've been there sweetie....If I lived closer I'd come see you..I feel terrible...but know that I am here if you need to chat....e-mail me at ANYTIME....I check it every day....Stay strong and take care.
and sent your way....
311/189/167 goal
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/05 9:17 am - MT
on 5/18/05 9:17 am - MT
Hun please do not be sorry for venting, this is what we are here for....~hugs you tight~ I am so sorry that you lost your job hun and I am with Karry that you can not be fired because you were out sick, in the hospital, what ever it may be and Karry is right, call the Labor Board and see if there is anything that can be done. Even if you can get Unemployment, I know that you can file and ask for a hearing and with the info you might just win. That might give you some money while you have your surgery but I know you can not tell the unemployment agency that you are doing this because you have to be ready, willing and able to work to collect. Well that might just be some help hun......
Please hang in there and if you need to talk just email me hun, anytime!!!
Take care
Debra P