I just don't get it.....
There are alot of unhappy people on this earth, unfortunaely there's a few on your job as well. Never try to understand why people are so mean. Let the high power deal with this sort of problem. No one knows better than yourself the things we have to endure before having this surgery, the waiting alone is so trying.. This is and never will be a easy wait out. This is a decision that had to be made under a desperate cir****tance not easy. So many people oppose this operation and will continue to be at odds even after seeing satisfying results I say you have to walk a mile in my shoes before you can possibly understand WHY I CHOOSE TO GO THIS ROUTE. Be of good cheer and secure in the knowledge that you are beautiful and they are JEALOUS of your success. Never ever doubt for a second that you made a mistake you are the future.
I know there are people out there that are not happy with themselves and thats very sad to me......The one girl who told me what she said about me also had said that she is the type of person that if she's not happy then why should anyone else be. HUH???? Thats just horrible!!!
So if I'm having a crappy day then EVERYONE else I meet all day should too??? NOT!!!!! But I guess thats how she is.....I will just have to overlook her I guess...
Thanks for the help and positive thoughts!!!
311/189/167 goal
Stay strong. obviously this other person has some serious insecurity issues with themself. But that baggage is hers and hers alone. Revel in the fact that you look great and have refound and reinvented you. I personally wouldnt even dignify this person with any comments. It goes like the old saying
"Talking to some people is like teahing a pig to sing. It annoys the pig and is a waste of time".
So good luck and remember, this is about you and no one but you.
Hi Louis,
I know what your saying....Why even waste my time figuring her out....BUT my problem is I work right next to her, and we work ALOT of hours together. One thing I am not is a fake person...I can't be nice on the outside and be hurt on the inside. She has said things that hurt and I can't look at her and be all smiles. Make sense? I don't think I'll make a major thing out of it, but I think I need to address the situation.
Thanks for your help.....
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