27 days, but who's counting...

Debra H.
on 5/16/05 10:40 pm - Camden, NY
Time is going by so quickly. I can't believe that I'm now only 27 days from my surgery. I have my History and Physical with Dr. Simon tomorrow morning at 10, and my pre-admission testing at University Hospital in the afternoon. When the hospital called yesterday to confirm my appointment and get info, I got butterflies in my stomach. I'm getting really excited now, but a little nervous too. This is normal I know...but there none the less. Thanks everyone here for your support, don't know what I'd do without my AMOS family. Have a great Tuesday! Deb
Alice W.
on 5/16/05 10:54 pm - Long Island, NY
Hello Deb~~Glad to hear that the time is going by sooooo quickly for you! Those butterfiles are normal, but can get to you. Just stay focused and think about that new healthier and happier lifestyle. Good Luck tomorrow!!
Debra H.
on 5/16/05 11:00 pm - Camden, NY
Hi Alice, Thank you so much. Some days I feel more butterlies than normal, but I think I'm more excited than anything. I am really looking forward to being healthy. Thanks for your kind words of support. Debra
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/05 11:10 pm - MT
Debra, Wow that went quick right.... Now ya have me counting....gezzz I am 20 days away..... Well I wish you the very best hun....~Hugs~ Take care Debra P
on 5/16/05 11:49 pm - BROOKLYN, NY
Wow Deb the time is really flying by now....and yes it is normal and you are going to do great, you have waited a long time for wls and now your time has come....here I am sending you some speical vibes to get you through all the thoughts and here are some {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} to comfort you to... Christine
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