Got a question??? Is anyone else's pouch/new stomach just as a noisy as ever?!!
I mean gurgling, howling, screeching, roaring, heck!...TALKING?
My pouch makes so much noise (mostly after I've eaten) that I literally have to stay away from people
for a while until it calms down. It's funny at first
, but then it gets embarrassing
and out of hand. I was sitting in class and I had a diet Nestea drink and so I took a couple of sips and off it went...gurgling LOUDLY! Luckily I was sitting alone, but low and behold, my professor wanted us to get into groups. No kidding, I had to sit a few feet away from the group
under the pretense of feeling hot so that they would not hear my stomach noises. Needless to say, I did not finish the rest of the drin****il I got in the car. No telling how loud it would have continued to get. My brother has heard an earful and just looks at me like I have a monster inside of me. It's to the point where I try to avoid eating if I'm going to be sitting for a while amongst a group because that'll give someone enough time to hear the ROARS...
Anyone else experiencing this? What do you do to calm the thing down?

its normal... mine would talk my ear off and then keep goin it was like the energizer so dont worry and dont be ashamed. if people dont know you had surg then tell them you ate something and it isnt agreein and if they do know then just tell them ur normal... after awhile it will calm down just act as though nothing is wrong