Dr. Jacome in Hudson, NY?
I'm not scheduled yet. I have my first appt with him 5/26. I got his name from .inamedhealth.com/ , who is the (or one of the) developer of lap band. They sent me a list of certified surgeons in my area. I liked him because of the length of time he's been doing the procedure.
How long was it from your first appt to your surgery? Who is your ins with? I saw my pcp today for the referral to Dr Jacome.
I had my first appointment in Jan.05. Then I had to loose the 10%. In the meantime I went for the other required tests. When I reached the 10% Cindy sent the paperwork to United Health Care. I called them yesterday and they have the forms. I am waiting for the approval which should come in the next 2 weeks. I am so nervous about the approval. When I met with Dr. Jacome I did'nt think he would let me have the surgery because he said I eat to many carbs. Thank God he gave me the chance.
Only that he thought I might have a problem cutting back and eating more protein. I can eat more protein, I just don't at the moment. He said by losing 10% of my weight, the stomach and liver shrink and the surgery is a little easier? I have been on this site as much as I can and I've gotten a lot of information. I am concerned about my nutrition after sugery. Dr. Jacome does not require a nutritionalist. I guess I'll have to be sure I eat right. Any suggestions, anyone?