What do you folks do for constipation?
My surgeon recommended flax seed oil and/or flax seed oil capsules at any point in the process.. The capsules are available pretty much any nutrition store or section in a grocery store - fish oil/omega-3/6/9/etc capsules might also help, but can give you nasty fish-flavored burps.
Also making sure you are getting enough fluids is extremely important at that stage, and one of the problems I had. I used Fruit2o and flavored (but not sugared) waters to help me at that point.
Best of luck & hope things come out all right (Sorry - had to be said )
Keep smiling -
Hi Barry... CONGRATS on becoming a LOSER!! I also have had terrible terrible constipation problems, to the point that I was bleeding and now have hemherroids. (EEEWW) My PCP prescribed me some powder Glycalax... I mix it with my protein shake in the AM. It takes a few days for it to work and you have to take it every day! I have also used Milk of Magnesia mint flavor but it works within 10 hours. I ALSO use glycerin suppositories but the Glycalax is what I swear by.
Best of luck with it and I hope that you find something that works for you.