OK... I know some of you are going to laugh... not going to mention names
but I had an appt with a pulmonologist yesterday to set up for a cpap machine, but cancelled because my daughter was sick... so I get a call from Fern this morning, she's my surgeons right and left hand gal and she said that the pulm office called her and said I was a no show... which was not true, I called to cancel... anyway... I did not know this was going to affect my surgery... Fern told me to call back, and I did, but I cant get an appt till Mon.. Fern said that if I didnt get the machine and if I didnt use it, they would have to cancel and reschedule my surgery... I am so pissed, and the staff at this pulm office is so nasty.... I have a feeling that I'm not going to be able to get a machine on Monday and my surgery will be cancelled which I would die because I already set up childcare for my daughter and my husband begged his boss for early top it off, i wasnt even going to use it.... I cant sleep with that stupid thing on my face, let alone have my husband see me in it... he will forever make fun of me... anyone know if they will really cancel my surgery?

Hi Sweetie
I don't know if they would cancel it but...keep calling the pulm doctor's office and ask and ask and ask, some time we must become a pain in order for us to get what we want....tell them you need it today and wasn't aware that canceling your appointment was going to cause so much disstress for you and your family.....even if you could wait in the office just so you will be seen and get that machine.....and thank them if they can get you in call call call......
keep us posted....

Hey Christine... I did... they said no... i told them tocall me if there is a cancellation and I would be there in 20 min.... but they said they dont do that... they were really nasty...... I was told that if I get the machine on Mon, it shouldnt be a problem, but if they dont have a machine to give me, my surgery will be cancelled... the thing is I dont know how this works, does the pulm give you a machine or a prescrirtion for a machine?
Thanks for trying to calm me down... everyone on here is amazing....
i would think they would give you a prescription for the machine but you have to go to a surgical supply pharmacy I think to get it if you go to the local they might have to order it for you so look in your neighborhood for a surgeical supply pharmacy and ask them if they carry it or call your local and ask so you might have an idea for monday what you are in for....
I guess we will have to wait til Monday to find out what the pulm will do...keeping my fingers crossed so now it's hard to type...

Thanks Christine... I just called a surgical supply store and they have machines... they also rent them out.... which is a good thing so I dont have to shell out $600 for one.... hopefully all goes well.... thanks for the input!! BTW... have you heard from Debra today? I'm wondering if she has heard anything yet... She's usually on the board, but havent seen her around... kinda worried....
(deactivated member)
on 4/22/05 2:34 am - MT
on 4/22/05 2:34 am - MT
Hello hun, I am here and thanks for worrying......~hug~ I am going to the post office here in a bit to get my mail....~crossing my fingers~ I will let you all know.....
Glad to see that you have the CPAP machine covered, I know my Ex Hubby has to use one and he got a script and had to order it, took a little while to get but renting is awesome because after the surgery you will not need it anymore....
Thanks again,
Debra P

Hey Gia Maybe you can go to the drugstore and get one (don't laugh) really give them a call and see what they say. I am praying and keeping my fingers, toes eyes and whatever else I can cross crossed for you! {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} Hang in there !!!!!!!

:[[[[[[[HUGS}}}}}}} Evelyn
247/134/past goal and feeling GREAT!

i dont think they will cancel your surgery JUST GET THE MACHINE its a requirement dam ill give you mine if you need it its just sitting there collecting dust.... i never used my machine not even once well maybe once..... just keep calling and bugging them dont let their nastiness get to you you are the boss here..... and im not laughing at you ha ha ha i was the same way before my surgery only i didnt start posting till i was post op... big mistake on my part.... anyway good luck and let me know what happens xoxo