Blood Pressure
So I went to visit with my new Primary Care Physician, This is the first time I have been to a doctor in 6 years. WOW what a great doctor!!!
I saw Dr. Dagostino in Manhasset, This guy is giving me the full work up.
He tells me I have High Blood pressure, in one arm.
My left arm was like 144/92 my right arm was something like 132/84
He did a sonogram of my heart, he did an EKG I have to go back for a stress test, PVR, chest XRAY, arterial duplex, a consultation with a pulminary doctor, and a GI doctor.
He prescribed a boatload of both OTC vitamins and Presciption Folic Acid.
He also told me to get a BP monitor, pretty expensive machine. Any tips on where to get one cheap??? or cheaper???
Thank You,
Enzo, it's one of the reasons I'm having the surgery. A weight loss of 10% can change your blood pressure for the better, if you loose 20%, it may be that you could go off your meds, at the doc's suggestion, of course. I think most surgeons want your blood pressure to be under control before the do surgery. Sounds like you're off to a great relationship with your new doc!
Becky Jean

Hey Enzo,
If you dont want to dish out $$ on a BP Machine, because like you said, they are expensive,
you can always go to CVS or a pharmacy where they have those free blood pressure machines... you can go 2-5 times a week... and it's free!! I know that target (by roosevelt raceway) has one by ther pharmacy dept... (i think I remember you saying you were from westbury, but could be wrong)
wouldnt hurt to check it out....

Actually my cardiologist saw how when im nervous my blood pressure can soar up....cause i got very much so for my angiogram...they thought after my stress test some shading was a blockage was more from my size.....anyway he precribed me a pill to take daybefore and day of my surgery to be sure my blood pressure remains safe for surgery!
Something you might have to not always high so they dont want to start medication...that ill be off right after surgery anyway!
GO figure, and oh, my angiogram was fine no blockages, but my groin is now in pain from a nerve they bothered during the procedure.
So far it's all vitamins, and one prescription for Folic Acid...
This is what he put me on:
Fish Oils concentrate Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Centrum one a day
Folic acid...not OTC
and I am not eating salt or drinking coffee anymore.
As for the Machine.... Searcing online still.