?? long term after WLS
Hello all
I am Tammy I have posted a few times. Thank you all for all the information you post. I have learned so much. That is why I have come to ask this ??? What about long term, is there many complications, do we shorten our life by having WLS? I know if we dont do anything about being obese we shorten our life span, but is there somewhere i can go to get the stats or read reports anything? I have been researching for a while and I have not been able to find anything about this. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Hi Tammy..
I havent had the surgery yet, but I had the same concerns as you before I got so far in my journey. If you hit communities at the top of the page, it will take you to a list of places you can go.When you get there, choose the one that goes by surgery dates and go back to a long one( I think they have them 9 years out) and look on there and email someone from that list.
Also, there is a guy on the boards in the sex before and after WLS board that had it 18 years ago.
My big thing when I started all this is what would happen later because my kids are so young( 7,5,3). I did alot of research and found that even when technology wasnt as advanced as it is now, this surgery worked.
Also, I decided, after I could only find someone 9 years out, that if I gave my children 10 years of life with me being able to be involved and able to get down to their level without a tow truck to get me up, that Ill have given them something that wouldnt be possible without the surgery.I dont want my two little girls to grow up watching me struggle with yo-yo diets. So I decided to put it all in God's hands and have the surgery and go from there.
I rambled quit a bit I think but I hoped I helped somewhat.
Good Morning Betty-Jean
Thank you for the advice on the boards. I did not check there yet. Last night Dame Tooter gave me some sites to look into and a few others told me about their surgeons that have post op working for them now. I am pretty much at ease now. I guess I have scared moments that over take me at times. I guess it is normal. Man do you go through alot emotionally when you have made up your mind huh....lol. I hope you have a great day, keep in touch.
Hi Tammy
I am pre-op, but my sister had VBG surgery done by Dr. McKane back in 1980. She still has to take B-12, vitamins, etc., but otherwise is in good health. No heart problems, diabetes, apnea. The only thing she has a problem with is her back/neck which she injured long before the surgery.
It has been 25 years and she has maintained her weight loss. She told me that when I have my surgery that I won't regret it. She said she has never regretted having the surgery.
I hope this answers some of you ????. Good luck in your journey for a better, healthier life.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hey Tammy -
One of the other things to consider are your current comorbidities.
Being overweight, what are your current risks for diabetes, heart disease, etc that would lead to a shorter lifespan?
I know in my case, I had diabetes that I was having trouble controlling.
In the 13 mos since the surgery, my diabetes is 100% controlled, and "sub-normal" A1C values WITHOUT medication; that's the longest period of control I've had.
My blood pressure is a little out of whack right now, especially since they lowered the values that constitute 'high' bp... but better than it was, and less meds.
My sleep apnea - my pressures are down some; I probably need another sleep study.
Again, different people get different results from the surgery, and a lot of it depends on how you use the 'tool' that you're given.. If you use it well, then you'll have good results and probably maintain the weight loss, and thereby gain all the benefits.
If you don't use it well... then you'll have slightly different results, both short and long term.
Nutrition and getting your blood values checked regularly is one of the biggest things that you'll need to 'watch' post op. Make sure to take calcium and vitamins as recommended by your surgeon, and don't get complacent about these, as this WILL definitely have an impact on longevity.
I hope this helps some and also helps put it a bit into perspective.
Best wishes -