Disolvable B12??
I use Trivita sublingual B12. I've been using it for about a year, even though I am pre-op. It has actually helped a lot with my energy levels. I plan to continue it post-op. They have a website trivita.com, of course you need to put the www before it. These sublinguals also taste pretty good. They have 1000 mcg of B12, 400 mcg Folate, 5 mg B6, and 25 mcg of Biotin. Good luck. Debra
Becky Jean,
This is a capsule. Apparently the vitamins are in a oil base as I recall the PA saying. I assume that is more easily absorbed.
I trust they know what they are doing. Dr. O'Malley is one of the top surgeons in the country doing wls. He appeared on Oprah when wls
was becoming "the rage" 2 years ago. He has over 2000 lap operations under his belt.