(deactivated member)
on 3/23/05 8:47 pm - MT
on 3/23/05 8:47 pm - MT
Congrats on your date and I hope the wait is quick, I am sure it will be....
I wish you the very best....

(deactivated member)
on 3/24/05 12:32 am - MT
on 3/24/05 12:32 am - MT
Hun I am still Pre-op so I could not tell you for sure but I would think it would be both, I know that is how I am feeling and I don't have a date as of yet.......
From what I hear that is pretty normal, I mean we are taking a big step in our lives....
One that will help up "live" better.
Maybe a Post-op will write ya back to tell you their experience with when and how they were feeling. Also try and read some profiles, they sure help me.....and thank God for the people that fill them out...
Take care

Being nervous is normal....that is if I am normal.....
I was nervous until the day of surgery which was strange.....I was so calm that morning. I think I was in shock that it was actually happening or something! It was like I was watching someone else go thru the whole experience. I had some days where I didn't really think about the surgery and other days where it was the only thing on my mind. I worked the night before my surgery and that is when it really hit me that it was a reality. I figured I would be on edge in the morning but I slept well the night before, got up later than I planned, and was just so cool! The time is going to fly by and before you know it you will be answering questions like this for pre-ops! Good luck with your surgery!

Awesome, Melissa! I have 39 days and counting to my surgery with Dr. Caruana. I'll bet your nervous 'cause I am too! The more I think about it, the more I wish I wasn't thinking about it and that it was already over and a year later. How do you like Dr. C? How about that office?!?
I'll be praying that God will guide his hands and that you recover quickly.
Becky Jean

Becky hi! I can't believe they gave me an appointment so soon. I'm totally floored. And lately now all I can think about is..what if this..or what if that..I'm so emotional even after one day. I even started letting my daugher (4) sleep with me cause God forbid something happened, at least I can say that I spent those last few weeks close to her and letting her walk all over me! I know it's silly..but..I've no family here and it's a scary thought. And I wasn't so nervous before getting the date because, well in a way it was was something I was talking about it's something I'm actually doing. My girlfriends think I'm crazy..heck so do I even!!
Dr. C is a really great guy, I've only met with him once..but from that, he seems really easy going. Great bed side manner!! I need that! His office is huge, I've never seen anything like it. Are you going to the April 12th meeting at Sisters? I'm going to go, I wanna get one more meeting in before my surgery..I'm hoping to bring my husband. If so I'll meet you there!!
I'm so emotional..blah..26 days too go!!! I have a few more tests to do. The receptionist told me that I have to go in for a medical clearence through my PCP, and then there exercise and nutrition class..Do you know anything about this? Or anyone for that matter? My asthma has gotten so bad, I really don't want to get into some lets get my heart beat racing so I can have a asthma attack kinda thing..Even my inhalers are against me..The final appt is with Sisters they do a EKG, Chest xray, and...blood work..We'll see what happens!! TTFN!
See you on the 12th Becky if you're gunna go! God Bless to you all, you've been alot of help.

Yes, Melissa, I'm going to be there on the 12th! Wouldn't it be cool if our guy**** it off?? It's got to be rough not having any family here. But guess what?!?! I am not telling my family, which consists of my aunt, an uncle and his wife, and my cousins. My parents died over 20 years ago. I want them to look at me on the 4th of July and ask me if anything is different. I've always been the odd ball, the fat girl, the one my family has been ashamed of. It would be nice to have their approval, but I haven't lived my life for them and I'm not going to start. I have some close girlfriends and we call ourselves the Yayas (after the movie The Yaya Sisterhood), we're more like sisters than friends. 2 of them are really happy for me and very supportive, but there's one who thinks that weight loss surgery is a cheat. She's against it and thinks I'm going to be sorry. I think she's worried that I might actually be thinner than her! But I love her and her opinion does matter to me, so I have been taking a closer look at things and asking lots of questions due to her influence.
I don't blame you about your daughter, my little girl, our baby, just turned 19, she and I have always been very close, and I've started babying her even more! She's the dearest, most beautiful young woman and she's very worried. I am trying to help her understand why I want to do this, but all she can see is that her mom is taking a huge risk. With her gone away at college this year, she hasn't seen how many times her dad has rushed me to the ER or my daily struggles, 'cause I wouldn't tell her. I didn't want her to be 1000 miles away worrying about me when she should be studying and enjoying her new life as an undergrad. But if, God forbid, anything should happen to me, I at least have the satisfaction of knowing I raised her to be independent and a woman of faith. She'll be able to make it without me. How morbid was that!!! Let's get more positive here-
Just think of how good it will feel being able to tie your sneakers without having it be your aerobic workout for the day! Think of how much easier it will be to walk up a flight of stairs! Think about how cute your ankles will look in anklets! Think of how much longer you'll be around to enjoy your little girl and how much fun you'll actually be able to have with her, chasing her, playing with her, and ***someday***reading to your grandchildren! We're not doing this for vain reasons, we're doing this for our health and longevity! Having a nicer looking body is just a side benefit that comes with making an educated decision about reversing the effects of our bad choices and bad genes.
:::steps of her soap box::::
I've got to go through all those test, too. I'm sure then it will feel like the surgery is real for me. But until then, I am counting the days. Do you know how long it's been since I've lost a stinking pound that wasn't from a water pill? I wonder what it'll feel like-
See you on the 12th-do we need to call and let them know we're coming??
Becky Jean