What to expect @ the initial consultation?
Hello Fellow AMOSERS,
I have a consultation next month...April 8th to be exact. Although, I am nervous, I am excited @ the same time.
So I have two questions.
#1 What happens @ the initial consultation?
#2 How long after the intial consultation does one usually have to wait for a surgery date?
To those who answer my questions, I thank you in advance!!
Hey T,
I had my initial consult @ Jan. 10th. After the pre-op tests were completed I was able to get my date set on Feb. 28th, I believe. That's about 1 1/2 months, so I don't think it's too bad.
As far as what happens @ the initial consult; a lot depends on what YOU want to happen. I came armed with a folder & yellow pad b/c I'd done a good deal of research (however, that's me ). The first surgeon I saw laughed with me & said there are 3 types of patients he meets: 1.those like me, 2.those who have done little to no research and 3.those who have somewhat of an idea about the process. My best advice would be to really be open with him/her (I brought my folks & my father's good with that). We asked:
1. How many patients he's lost?
a. What size were they when he operated on them?
b. What oper. they had?
2. How much does it cost (with & without insurance)?
3. For him to explain the diff. operations he performs. Why is 1 better than another in my case (if he/she suggests 1 specific oper. is better for you)? Plus how many has he/she done of each? You don't want a newbie.
4. What are the side effects of the diff. operations (e.g. dumping, malodorous gas, etc.)?
5. What is the likelihood of gaining weight back from each of the oper.? How much weight am I likely to lose & KEEP off PERMANENTLY?
6. What kind of aftercare program does he/she have?
7. What kind of vitamin/mineral program am I going to be on the rest of my life? Does he/she know the cost of it?
8. Has he/she had a problem w/my insurance or does the co. generally say yes?
If he/she asks you to fill out a ton of forms (which I'm sure they will) make sure you have enough time to read them. I didn't, so I took most of them home & sent a 20 pg. fax to the office a week or so later. I wanted to take my time & really see what I was reading (I prob. should mention that I'm a licensed attorney, even tho I don't practice much anymore, so I have a thing for knowing what I'm reading ) esp. since 2 were for studies the doctor's office is conducting. I wanted to do some research on the studies before I said yes or no.
Obviously, all of these ques. might not be right for you...they're just suggestions. I'm sure my parents & I asked more, I just can't recall them.
Best of luck,
Hello T~~
Here is a list of questions. Hope this helps....let us know how your consulatiion went!! Good Luck!!!!
Questions to ask your Surgeon:
~~~ How many surgeries have you performed?
~~~ Success rate?
~~~ What type of surgery is best for me...VBG...RNY (Gastric Bypass) Distal or Proximal
~~~ Why do you suggest this type for me?
~~~ Do you staple or suture the stomach?
~~~ How can I prepare for surgery...Mentally... Physically!!
~~~ What are your Special instructions 2 - 3 days before surgery?
~~~ How soon can we schedule surgery?... Can I choose a specific date?
~~~ Does the hospital allow my husband to spend the night?
~~~ Does the hospital have a Weight Loss Surgery Ward?
~~~ How long will I be in surgery?
~~~ Do you visit my loved ones after the surgery to tell them how it went?
~~~ Reasons the surgery may not happen after you open me?
~~~ How long is the average recovery time for...open...lap surgery
~~~ How soon can I...Shower...Do Water aerobics...Exercise...Have Sex...Drive a car?
~~~ What types of pain management do you provide...at the hospital...at home?
~~~ How many follow up appointments will I have?
~~~ Do You have support group meetings? If not....where do you send your patients as they are very important to attend....Before and After surgery!
~~~ Will I have an opportunity to meet with the anesthesiologist before surgery?
~~~ Does he/she have experience with heavier people?
~~~ Will I be on a ventilator?
~~~ Will I have a tube down my nose or throat, when I wake up?
~~~ Will I need a catheter?
~~~ Will I have drainage tubes in my incision...how many...for how long?
~~~ How long will I stay in the hospital...barring NO complications?
~~~ Do you suggest that I wear a binder?
~~~ Will I be experiencing hair loss....if so, what do you suggest I do.
~~~ What do you recommend to avoid vitamin deficiencies?
~~~ How many grams of protein do you recommend daily?
~~~ What do you recommend regarding the amount of sugar per food item?
~~~ How common is vomiting?...how can I try to avoid it?
~~~ What is your Food Plan for the first few months post op?
~~~ How does the insurance billing work?
~~~ What MEDS will I have to advoid after WLS...Why...Is this temporary or permanent?
~~~ What else will I need to avoid?
~~~Do you have a list of everything printed up, so I can take it home today and make sure I understand everything?
~~~Do you have a doctor on call 24 hours, in case I need to have a question answered after WLS?