So, I get to the ASU at 7am this morning...they take me in at 715, draw some blood, get me gowned up, and walk me over to OR Holding...My surgeon came in to say hi and check how I was doing...I meet the anesthesiologist, and the rest of the surgery to the OR to my recovery room nurse, who tells me about the PCA pump and how to use it...they start an IV for fluids, and start me on an antibiotic...about 855am, five minutes to go, the nurse comes over and puts the cap on my head--sure sign I'm about to be taken in.
A minute or two later, nurse comes over, say****ells me she's going to wheel me into the OR. JUST as she's starting to move my gurney, my surgeon comes into the holding area, with the entire surgery team.
To make a long story short, the test they performed on the blood sample they drew this morning indicated that my blood would not clot well enough for surgery to be safe today. They don't know why--this same test was run in January and came out normal, and was run a couple of weeks ago, came out as a touch higher than normal, but within safe parameters.
I met with a hematologist. They drew some more blood--they're going to do some tests. She told me that it's just a matter of finding out what caused this--my history/previous tests lead her to think it's not a serious problem--and then correct it before my surgery. I should be able to have the surgery in two, three weeks tops...but it's frustrating. I was THIRTY SECONDS from the losing side...ah well. Like my girlfriend said to me, God was watching out for me...because I would have been in a world of trouble if they hadn't found this out before operating.
Love you all...I just have to wait a couple of more weeks.
(deactivated member)
on 2/23/05 4:53 am - MT
on 2/23/05 4:53 am - MT
Oh my, that is very good that they found out before you went in.....
but I know it must be so upsetting in the same breath.....
Your girlfriend is right though God IS watching out for you so you can count your blessings.....I know it does not feel that way right now but things always happen for a reason.....
I hope the next week/s go quick for you hun.....
Take care

Barry I am so sorry this happened to you, it's like so close and yet so far.....hang in there.....everything happens for a reason, and in another short time you will be on the losing side, your doc will look into the blood and everything will be fine and you will get cleared and have your surgery......
My thoughts and prayers are with you....

Boy that's a scary story! I'm so glad for you that they found out before you got in there. I know it's disappointing, but hang in there. It sounds like it's just a matter of time before they come up with the solution. The two or three weeks will seem like nothing when you're six months on the other side. Keep us posted on how things are going. Good Luck! ~Cheryl~
I must say I am sorry the surgery was postponed, I know after waiting and hoping for so long it hurts. Yet I'm with your girlfriend -- God was total there for you. Even though I don't know you -- I'm glad he was. I pray that the problem gets resolved soon and your surgery goes smoothly the next time around.
-- A fellow New Yorker
I am soooooooooooooo sorry to hear of your delay..... I had a similar problem although I went into the OR room was knocked out... When they intubated me they said my lungs froze up. So I was PULLED right out of surgery. I did have to go into recovery when I woke up.... I asked sooooooooooo how was the surgery? How did I do??? I was told it was CANCELLED!!!!!! I wanted to die!!!! I was soooooooooo upset...
Well a month later I went back in AGAINST my families wishes... SURGERY went GREAT.... I am now 100 pounds lighter and a WHOLE new person...... Good LUCK to you!!!! You will be fine. Your day will come for you. I know how you feel... I will keep you in my prayers.... Julie