My pouch hurts today :-(
Don't know what it is but ever since I woke up my pouch has been bothering me , it hurts
I have tried to eat but not really working to well ya know. I am trying to drink my decaf tea and even some soup sometimes that helps (The warm )but so far no good. If I have it tomorrow I am going to call the Doc to see what I can do. Thanks for listening Have a great day!
Love ya all!
247/137/past goal 

Sorry to hear pouchie is causing a disturbance.
Keep taking in those liquids as the others have said. I am still pre-op, but my sister had VBG over 20 years ago and I remember when she had problems.
Let us know what the doc says. Praying you will feel better and not have to call the doc though.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.