Got that magic phone call! Diane from Dr O'Malley's office left me a message.
I nearly dropped the phone. It was a surprize because I didn't recognize the caller id. I wasn't stressing about it at all. So there it is.
My best friend is calling it another one of my "ADVENTURES" . I like that better than "journey". There's no emoticon with a safari hat or I would post it. all righty then... on into the jungle Dr. Livingston... I mean O'Malley.
Hi Patricia, Congrats! When I read your post the other day about Blue Choice needing more info I panicked. I am also waiting for word from Dr O'Malleys office and I also have Blue Choice Select. MY situation is a little different, I was scheduled for Sept 21st and had to be postponed due to a pulmonary embolism. I was cleared by my pcp in early December and have been waitng since then for some word from Dr O's office. They finally called last Friday and set me up for a Doppler study tomorrow at Highland. Hopefully that will be good and then they can schedule me. I'm hoping to be in your shoes real soon! Good luck...and I hope the time passes quickly for you! Patty