An Aspirin A Day? -----> NOT!
I just saw on Good Morning America the Weekend Edition, that a young woman in her early 40's had a massive heart attack with absolutely no symptoms or warning signs, other than a sudden pressure in her throat. Luckily she survived! She is a woman who has always watched what she ate and exercises regularly with no family history of heart disease. She was rushed into surgery for a cardiac bypass. Dr. Tim Johnson said that all women in their 40s, 50s, 60s should get preventative checkups and blood tests and probobly even begin a program of taking one baby aspirin a day under Dr.'s orders of course. Now, for my question! Since all of us "LOSERS" are not allowed to take aspirin products what other methods are available to us to get the same preventative results? I know everything is OK with my heart especially since I had my pre-op workup done just this past summer, but this is something to wonder about. Anyone have any answers to this question?
I saw the same report and wondered the same thing. He also said though that stress tests are not as accurate in women. So does that mean that even though I passed a stress test it doesn't mean as much?
I was out there shovelling snow week before last thinking I'm in good enough cardiac shape to do this. Now I wonder?