Hello AMOS family, I am once again relying on your expertese and support! I am almost 9 weeks out and CONSTIPATED to the point that I think that hemherroids are forming
What do I do (other than make an appointment
). What can I take or drink that will eleviate this pain and discomfort? Please help!! For the 1st time in my life I really want to go #2!!
I had success with glycerine suppositories and milk of magnesia but please ask your doctor. I did not do well with colace ot citricel. They made me worse. I still suffer badly from time to time, but during the first few months it was unbearable. I DID develop hemerhoids and it is uncomfortable. Good luck!!
Hey jalonda-
I just posted on this last week!
I soooo know your pain!!
Anyways I ate some Atkins Crunchy Almond cereal that has 5g of fiber and that helped too. I felt sooo much better once I could go. My doc has said we can take Milk of Mag but I would double check with your surgeon. Good luck!!!