Surgery date changed
Hi Alice
Thank you! Thank God they did give me a date as I would really have been mad
. They did give me a reason. There won't be a bed available in the ICU. The nurse said she would call me with a cancellation.
Since my BMI is so high, I have to be in the ICU the first night. I am just confused how they know that now
. Of course, my daughters both work at the hospital and said the beds are all full and they do have to keep a certain number empty for traumas as they are a trauma center.
All I can do is pray that there is a cancellation for a closer date. I know it will happen, but I was ready and now I have to wait longer. Just disappointed. I am feeling better about it this morning.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

I certainly agree!!! I have been under the weather since Monday and now I think it was Devine intervention that postponed my surgery as He knew I would not be 100% by next week.
I have a cold, sinus infection and earache with temp of over 101. Yes, things happen for a reason.
Thanks for you kind words.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers