how am I
Hello to everyone,
I just wanted to stop in a let you know how things are going.......on the day of surgery I see Evelyn my angel
keep you very up to date.....
As I waited and waited for surgery that was scheduled for 11:30 and didn't happen until 6pm when they came out to get me...I was in a very good mood and not upset cause I knew this was the day of my they brought me in to the OR I got on the table and had a big smile on my face.....I was not nervous at all......
I got out of surgery some time between 8:30 and 10:00 Iwas sent up to my room around 11:00 I was the only one in the recovery you know I was the lastf one.....
I had open surgery and when I woke up the nurse put the pain pump in my hand an told me to push the I pushed....everytime I opened my eyes she said push the button so I pushed.....finally I woke up and new why she kept telling me to push the button it felt like I had an 18 wheeler siting on my chest so push away I did.....
Tuesday night they change my pain meds cause I was getting sick from it and had a I was fine after it was changed..
Wednesday I was going home they wanted me to eat before I left I tried but was not able to....I went home anyway....I have a jp drainage tube in and when I showered at home I think I pulled it out cause now it drains on me instead of in the tube......don't worry I called my doc and he said it was ok I could leave it like that or go in and have them remove it so I really didn't want to go out so I left it in.....
I go back to the surgeon's office next thursday to have it removed and to remove some staples the staples go straight down and around my belly button......
I have some discomfort but I am dealing with it I know each day will get a little easier.....
I am sipping water, eating jello (sugar free) and ice pops and chicken broth I have not problem keepin it down,,,,,
I was so full of energy this morning and came down stair and starting cooking dinner for the kids at 7:30 this morning and washing my laundry....
I have the baby sitter here who is also a friend and is helping me......with the bending and picking things up that I dropp, well it happens....
I also wanted to tell you I have come home taking lovenox (blood thiner) to prevent blood clots so I give myself shots at 10 am and 10 pm...
Thank you all for your support, phone calls and have no idea how you have touched my heart and if there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to ask......
Special thanks to my angel
Evelyn who did a great job keeping you up to date....
I am having trouble with my computer so I don't know how long I will be able to get online and how offend.....
I am doing well and I'm still smiling since I got on the talbe....
Love to you all...

Hi Christine
I am so happy you posted, I was wondering how you are doing. Sounds like you are great and well into the recovery process so my prayers seem to have worked for you. Don't overdo it though and get some rest it may catch up to you. Welcome to the losing side, I know it was a long battle. Sending you lots of {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.
Chrisrtine! This is your ANGEL
YOU SHOULD BE RESTING NOT DOING ALL THAT STUFF. GO AND REST PLEASE!!!!!!! Chris you know I love ya and I worry about you too so please get some rest your body needs to recoup honey! Let your Hubby do the work... WHY NOT
I will call you later.
Love ya
247/139/past goal 

Hi there my
How are you doing, you should take your own advice and get some rest you sound awful.....
I am done for the day and will rest, the only thing with that is my legs begin to ache when I am in bed..... so I have to do something....
I was suppose to go for a walk with Maria, so stretch my legs but I am not going to I will rest now you do the same thing.....

and (((((((hugs))))))))) right back at cha....

OK Smarty Pants yes you are right I should take my own advice but remenber I am NOT 

the one who just had surgery !!!!!!! So There!
What I have is a bad cold what you have is MAJOR SURGERY!!!!!!!
So who is the one *****ally should get the rest first???? HUH? HUH? HUH? That's right Chris it's YOU!!!!!!!
Feel better my sweet Angelette like I said before I will call you later.
Love ya

Girl are you CRAZY.......
What are you doing? You are suppose to be in bed, it does not matter if you have energy and feel great, you should be getting your rest, trust me sometimes our bodies fool us and in the long run it comes back and hit us hard.. Now (in motherly type tone) GO TO BED and rest... Take it slow and let those around you help you as much as they can, I know as an independent woman myself it gets hard to have to rely on others, but you know what in the long run we are not SUPERWOMAN we need to let others help us. Now I am glad that you are feeling great and I am delighted to hear that you are in the loosing side and everything came out great. One day at a time sweetie. Let me hear one more time that you are doing chores.... GIRL TAKE IT SLOW PLEASE!!!! Chat with you later....
