Any Advice I need some please
I'm on pins and needles over here.
I just don't know what to do!
I was going to have surgery last week but it was postponed because of Medicaid.
Just mean.
They wanted more information about my health to see if I am healthly enough for surgery.
I saw all the doctors they wanted me to see and got the green light from all of them.
I went to see my medical doctor today and she told me that I got all medical clearance from all the doctors.
I just don't know what to do. I've been trying to keep myself busy by watching movies, needle point and even started my scarp book.
I just feel so restless from the pressure.
Any advice?
I'm schedule to go into surgery on Tuesday.
I know it's sounds so silly feeling like this. I'm sorry.
But if you can all please keep me in prayer that I will get the great news that I am approve. It would help.
I just want to get my new healthier life started.

In addition to excercise, try visualization. Imagine how you'll feel and what you'll look like in a smaller size. If you need more inspiration go shopping and try on clothes, but don't buy any. Check out the smaller sized clothes you'll be able to wear next year. Especially look for spring and summer clothes. If you do have your surgery now you'll probably be down 3-4 sizes (or more) by summer time.
If you have trouble imagining your whole body being smaller, just concentrate on one part. For me it's my legs. My feet are smaller. I have ankles and my calves are taking shape. Try and imagine how much more you'll be able to do. I used to be able to shop OR bring in the groceries, but doing both wore me out for an entire day. Now I can grocery shop, mall shop AND hit BJ's or Costco and get home feeling fine. I amazed myself with how much snow I could shovel. I felt it in my muscles, but had more than enough energy to keep going.
It's so normal to experience a lot of different emotions at this point. Being couped up in this kind of weather doesn't help. You worked hard to get to this pont. Hang in there a little longer.
Hi everyone
Well I woke up this morning and first thing I did was call my medical doctor office. the medical assistant told me she never got the fax. I called the cardiologist office to find out they are closed. Well, I started to cry and the man told me he would fax it over to my doctor. I guess someone is in the office. Which I just found out they didn't fax it over yet. I want to know what the hold up is?
I know for a fact that I was clear by all the doctors because they all told me they were going to clear me.
I'm going to have to call the cori center and see what they can do. Because I'm not going to let Medicaid or anyone else stand in my way of getting this surgery done. I've work too hard for this BS to stop me.
Sorry for venting.
Thank you for being here for me.

Since your info was not fax over what you need to do Maria is get copies of everything for your own record....and so this does not happen again if they say they need this you can send it over instead of leaving it in the hands of people who are suppose to help you and not make you cry cause they didn't do their job and you paid for that service...
again Maria Hang in there it will all fall into took me a very long time and it finally happened even if it was on technicality....I got it and believe me I really didn't think it would happen.....
I am sorry for your frustration and believe me I know what you are going are some {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}just for you....
I am still hoping to see you as my roomie on Tuesday...I haven't given up yet and neither should you....

Hi everyone,
{Hi Christine
You're an angel. A real life angel. [[[[hugs back]]]] }
Well I had to just cry it out
Because I'm feeling so down. I hate feeling this way.
I call to the Cori Center and my case worker isn't there. In fact I think she is sick of me and is telling people to tell me she isn't there.
No no I'm trying to make a joke. She is a really good heared person and I can tell she is giving her 110% in helping me.
I'm just so anger with that cardio doctor. The letter was never sent nor he write anything. I"m beyond anger with that jerk!
I kept telling him just to write a letter to say I'm approved and to give it to me. Because I needed all the paper work in no later then today.
For some reason it looks like I'm going to have reset the date of my surgery from GOD KNOW WHEN!
I really wanted to be your roommate Christine,
And I'm not giving
I'm not going to eat any food on Monday until I hear the news. Which ever way it goes. SO I want to be ready I'm going to do my Clear diet, just in case they said Yes I'm approved.
SO I'm not giving up. I'm not going to stop fighting. If the cardio doctor office is open tomorrow I'm going to be there and demand my letter.
He is the only one that is holding me back.
I'm going to push to have my Surgery Next week.
And most important I"m going to keep it all in prayer. I haven't lost my faith in God. Because I know he is in charge. So worst that happens I don't go in on Tuesday. Which would suck!
But hey, such is life right?
Thank you all for beging so support towards me.
I'm so happy to have met all of you.
God Bless