What should I be asking the dr?
Hi Tabby~~
Good Luck on Friday! It's a good idea to write down all your concerns and questions. Sometimes when the nerves take over, we forget! Hope this helps you.
********** Questions to ask your Surgeon *********
~~~ How many surgeries have you performed?
~~~ Success rate?
~~~ What type of surgery is best for me...VBG...RNY (Gastric Bypass) Distal or Proximal
~~~ Why do you suggest this type for me?
~~~ Will my Insurance Co cover the type of surgery I have chosen?
~~~ How long will it take to get Insurance Approval?
~~~ How does the insurance billing work?
~~~ How soon can we schedule surgery?... Can I choose a specific date?
~~~ How long will I be in surgery?
~~~ Do you staple or suture the stomach?
~~~ How can I prepare for surgery...Mentally... Physically!!
~~~ Do you require me to stop smoking before surgery? If yes, why and when?
~~~ If your are a smoker how will that affect my recovery time.
~~~ What are your Special instructions 2 - 3 days before surgery?
~~~ Does the hospital allow my husband to spend the night?
~~~ Does the hospital have a Weight Loss Surgery Ward?
~~~ Do you visit my loved ones after the surgery to tell them how it went?
~~~ Reasons the surgery may not happen after you open me?
~~~ How long is the average recovery time for...open...lap surgery
~~~ How soon can I...Shower...Do Water aerobics...Exercise...Have Sex...Drive a car?
~~~ What types of pain management do you provide...at the hospital...at home? Ask for Sugar-Free meds.
~~~ How many follow up appointments will I have?
~~~ Do You have support group meetings? If not....where do you send your patients as they are very important to attend..Before and After surgery!
~~~ Will I have an opportunity to meet with the anesthesiologist before surgery?
~~~ Does he/she have experience with obese people?
~~~ Will I be on a ventilator?
~~~ Will I have a tube down my nose or throat, when I wake up?
~~~ Will I need a catheter?
~~~ Will I have drainage tubes in my incision...how many...for how long?
~~~ How long will I stay in the hospital...barring NO complications?
~~~ Do you suggest that I wear a binder?
~~~ Will I be experiencing hair loss....if so, what do you suggest I do.
~~~ What do you recommend to avoid vitamin deficiencies?
~~~ How many grams of Protein do you recommend daily?
~~~ What do you recommend regarding the amount of Sugar per food item?
~~~ How common is vomiting?...how can I try to avoid it?
~~~ What is your Food Plan for the first few months post op? And at 1 year!!
~~~ What Medications will I have to avoid after WLS...Why...Is this temporary or permanent?
~~~ What else will I need to avoid?
~~~ How much weight can I expect to lose with this surgery?
~~~ Do you have a list of everything printed up, so I can take it home today and make sure I understand everything?
~~~ Do you have a doctor on call 24 hours, in case I need to have a question answered immediatly after WLS?