forms and diets
I am filling out paperwork that I received from my nutritionist office. I have to go to a session on Wednesday, and they asked for my diet history(of course) they want the program/date weight loss and time weight regained. I have been on every diet I can think of. Unfortunately none of them were Dr. supervised. I have CDPHP and Medicaid and from what I can tell they are pretty easy going as far as diets go. I'm worried about what the nutritionist will say if I say that I was on everything from Ayeds (they were back in the 70's early 80's looked like candy) to WW. I never stayed with WW or TOPS too long because I would get discouraged and quit. HELP ME PLEASE! I am just terrified that I am going to do something to screw this up. I'm praying that I can have my surgery this summer so my kids will be out of school. Wow I've rambled, Sorry. Having panic attacks and everything
and I don't know why. This early in, what will I be like later?
Darlene, just try to give an estimated time for each diet, do the best you can and take your time, try not to do it all in one sitting cause you will just end up with a will remember, it will all come to you....I had one medical supervised diet but it was in 1996 so it still didn't count for my insurance company, but don't worry about my insurance, cause everyone is different....
take a deep breath and let it out, and then again.....take it one step at a time, remember you didn't get this way over night and the process can be long and brutal, or it can be short and sweet....just focus on one thing at a time and take breaks in between.....
One thing I can tell you Darlene is everything in it's right time, so you will have surgery, it will happen just when it is right.....
Hang in there, keeping my fingers crossed for you....
Thank you so much and congratulations again on your date. I see problems people have had like you did and hope and pray everyday that it will as you said "sort and sweet" I am not a very patient person (like that isn't pretty obvious already) I want this surgery yesterday LOL
Thank you again